Changes in EditorHelpHelp
Editor Comment
updated some stuff
Revision Differences of Revision 6
## Help for the Widelands Map Editor ¶¶
With the Map Editor players can create their own maps and scenarios. This document is supposed to describe
When you start the Editor you see a plain map with nothing on it yet and nine buttons at the bottom edge of the screen. ¶
Clicking on these buttons (or using hotkeys) has following consequences respectively: ¶
No. | description | hotkey(s) ¶
------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- ¶
1. | opens [Main Menu](../EditorHelpMainMenu) | H ¶
2. | opens [Tool Menu](../EditorHelpToolMenu) | T ¶
3. | opens [Toolsize Menu](../EditorHelpToolsizeMenu) | 1 through 0 ¶
4. | toggles Minimap on/off - identical to the Minimap in the game | M ¶
5. | toggles Build Help on/off - identical to the Build Help in the game | Space ¶
6. | opens [Player Options](../EditorHelpPlayerOptions) | P ¶
7. | opens [Event Menu](../EditorHelpEventMenu) | E ¶
8. | opens EditorHelpVariablesMenu | ¶
9. | opens EditorHelpObjectivesMenu | ¶
* pressing __I__ activates information tool. ¶
For further information on any functions please follow the proper link. Aside from the above, this Help also contains a TriggerAndEventsReference as currently available. ¶
| ~ | [Editor Help](../EditorHelpHelp) | ~ | ¶
- | - | -------------------------------- | - | - ¶
[Editor Tutorial](../EditorHelpTutorial) | ~ | [Main Menu](../EditorHelpMainMenu) [Tool Menu](../EditorHelpToolMenu) [Toolsize Menu](../EditorHelpToolsizeMenu) [Player Options](../EditorHelpPlayerOptions) — [Event Menu](../EditorHelpEventMenu) — [Variables Menu](../EditorHelpVariablesMenu) — [Objectives Menu](../EditorHelpObjectivesMenu) | ~ | [Editor Tutorial](../EditorHelpTutorial) ¶