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Changes in EditorHelpPlayerOptions

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## Players Options ¶

By clicking the sixth button at the bottom edge of the screen or hitting the hotkey P you obtain this menu, where you can determine how many players shall be placed onto the map and where, how they shall be named and which kind of tribe they shall be: ¶

image:Editor-playeroptions-en.jpg ¶

Nr. | function ¶
--- | -------- ¶
1. | Increase number of players ¶
2. | Name of tribe ¶
3. | Kind of tribe (Barbarians, Atlantics, The Empire) ¶
4. | Return to / Set Starting Point (determines position of headquarters; must be placed onto a green spot) ¶
5. | Not functional in build-8; shall allow to place buildings ¶
6. | Decrease number of players