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## Tutorial to the Widelands Map Editor ¶
### What Remains to be Done ¶
We have completed the landscape and placed all goods, now for the final steps: ¶

#### Set the Starting Points ¶
We have to determine how many tribes may play on this map and set their starting points. ¶

<table class="mediawikitable"> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff1.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff1.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/7/73/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff1.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff1.jpg" width="414" height="122" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff1.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>For that, open the Players Menu (sixth button at the screen's bottom). ¶
<p>Add as many tribes as you want to by clicking at the arrow up. Rename ¶
the Tribes if you wish, choose which kind of tribe they shall be on ¶
default or if the map is played as a scenario (Barbarians, Atlantics, ¶
Empire) and ultimately, click onto the sign with the tribe's colour to ¶
place the Starting Point. Starting Points may only be placed on green ¶
spots (large buildings) and in a minimum distance to each other. In ¶
future, you may also place buildings via this menu; however at the time ¶
this tutorial is being written (build-10) that is not possible yet. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr></table> ¶

#### Triggered Events ¶
If you want to create a scenario with some special conditions, you may use Triggers and Events in order to do so. ¶

<table class="mediawikitable"> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggerbutton.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggerbutton.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/2/2e/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggerbutton.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggerbutton.jpg" width="237" height="414" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggerbutton.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>We want to make an Event that greets the player after half a minute ¶
<p>gaming time (hey, never wrong to be polite!). For that, we first need ¶
to create the Trigger that activates the Event after half a minute. ¶
Open the Event Menu (seventh button at the bottom) and click the 'New ¶
Trigger'-button. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggermenu.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggermenu.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/3/36/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggermenu.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggermenu.jpg" width="441" height="280" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggermenu.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>As the description, which appears whenever you click a Trigger, tells ¶
<p>us, the Trigger we are looking for is the Time Trigger. So we create a ¶
new Time Trigger by double-clicking it. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggeroptions.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggeroptions.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/1/1f/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggeroptions.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggeroptions.jpg" width="198" height="222" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-triggeroptions.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>This opens the Trigger Options. Firstly, you can rename your Trigger ¶
<p>here. Since you might use several Triggers of the same kind sometimes, ¶
always try to give them significant names to distinguish them. We do ¶
not want the Player to be greeted every 30 Seconds but only once, so we ¶
leave 'Only triggers once'checked. Finally, we want the Trigger to be ¶
set after 30 seconds, so that's the value choose. After clicking OK, ¶
the Trigger is complete and added to the Registered Triggers list. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventmenu.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventmenu.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/8/8d/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventmenu.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventmenu.jpg" width="433" height="280" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventmenu.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>Now that we have a Trigger, we can move on to the Event itself. Click ¶
<p>the 'New Event'-button. Same as before, we have a list of Events to ¶
choose from and a description of the Event we click on. The Event we ¶
need is Message Box. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventoptions.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventoptions.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/f/fd/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventoptions.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventoptions.jpg" width="470" height="443" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventoptions.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>We set the Event options; in this case, we need to rename the Event ¶
<p>properly and to type the text the Message Box is supposed to display - ¶
our greeting. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchainmenu.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchainmenu.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/f/f1/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchainmenu.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchainmenu.jpg" width="498" height="377" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchainmenu.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>We need to choose finally which Trigger shall activate the Event. ¶
<p>For this open the Eventchain-menu. ¶
On the right side we have all Triggers we created - only the 'Time to ¶
Greet'-Trigger in that case - and on the left the Triggers we have ¶
already assigned for that Event (none in the beginning). We choose the ¶
'Time to Greet'-Trigger and click at the arrow pointing to the left to ¶
assign the Trigger to our Event. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchain-eventmenu.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchain-eventmenu.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/9/91/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchain-eventmenu.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchain-eventmenu.jpg" width="536" height="374" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-eventchain-eventmenu.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>Now, if we click on OK, a similiar window opens, asking us, ¶
<p>which event should be triggered. We select our event and click again on the arrow. ¶
Above the choosen event(s) is a button where we can choose whether the Event shall be retriggered when the Trigger is ¶
set (in this case, after 30 seconds have passed) or unset (have not ¶
passed yet). If we had created several Triggers we might assign them ¶
all; in that case, the Event would only be triggered if all ¶
Triggers-to-be-set were set and all Triggers-not-to-be-set were not. ¶
After we click OK the Event is added to the Registered Eventchain List - ¶
we're done. ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr></table> ¶

#### Map Options ¶
In the [Editor's Main Menu](../EditorHelpMainMenu) there is a button labelled 'Map Options', leading to a likewise named menu. ¶

<table class="mediawikitable"> ¶
<tr> ¶
<td><a href="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-mapoptionsmenu.jpg" class="image" title="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-mapoptionsmenu.jpg"><img src="/uploads/mediawiki/f/f1/Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-mapoptionsmenu.jpg" alt="image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-mapoptionsmenu.jpg" width="236" height="340" longdesc="/modules/mediawiki/index.php/Image:Editor-tutorial-Remaining-stuff-mapoptionsmenu.jpg" /></a> ¶
</td><td>Here you can give the map its name, which will be displayed in the game ¶
<p>while choosing the map, the author's name (yep, yours) and a comment ¶
(usually to describe the map). ¶
</p> ¶
</td></tr></table> ¶

After you're done with this, lean back... you've completed both your map and this tutorial! Enjoy playing and creating! ¶