Editor Comment
clarification of the relationships and rework of the text
Revision Differences
of Revision 5
## Empire Protagonists
__Please do not change anything, this is just a work in progress - Nasenbaer__
### Lutius
Image | Description
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![lutius.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/Lutius.png) |
Lutius is a young general of the Empire. He loves his country and people and is absolutely disgraced, as he loses a bigger fight against the Barbarians, which takes a bigger piece of Empire- land in the north. <br> After this lose,s he tries to get the allpermissiowance from his king, to start a war against the Barbarians, but the king frejelcts him, tas hate feels the Empire beisn'tg strong enough at that times and doesn't allow this war. <br />
So Lutius decides for himself, to leave the Empire and to go into exile. <br>– Wwaiting there for the momentday, that he can fight back the Barbarians.
### Saledus
Image | Description
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![saledus.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/Saledus.png) |
Saledus is one of Lutius best warriors and an absolute loyal fsubordinatend to him. He knows, that Lutius wants to come back to Fremil, to erase his guilt and to fight against his biggest enemy: the EmpiBare. <bar>ians.
Furthermore he is the one, who begs Lutius, to be not too fast in his expansion- wishes. He cares for the security in Lutius settlements, throughand welcominges him to build new military- buildings.
### Amalea
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![amalea.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/Amalea.png) |
Amalea is a good friend of Lutius,’ whlichttle is aliso named "the ear to. tShe always speople".aks Sher mind and keeps Lutius up to date about everything his people are talking about. andShe welcomes him to change things, if the people are unhappy about something <br> :-P... (stupid text)
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