Changes in EmpireStorySummary

Editor Comment

Some linguistic and other modest corrections.

Revision Differences of Revision 4

## Summary of Empire-Campaign ¶

The campaign will be splitted in two parts (like the Barbarian story). ¶
First there will be a tutorial, but without introducing the game interface (We believe the player played the Barbarian tutorial before and knows, how to build a building, streets or flags). ¶
In this part the empire-infrastructure will be introduced, as this is partly different to the Barbarian one. ¶

The second part is named "Gazing for expansions". And leads the Empire to war against the Barbarians. ¶

### Empire Tutorials ¶

The story starts with a review of the last 6 month of Lutius life (Lutius is a young general of the Empire). ¶

Lutius tells us about
the ange uproar and skirmall figshtes among the northern forests, where Barbarian- tribes and official Empire-land is crossingverlap. ¶

__--start of review--__ ¶

Six month ago, he was send with 150 soldiers at that frontier, to defend the Empire-land.
FAt first everything waseemed calm,. hHe even talked to few barbarian children and was sthouartingh to think about a peaceful life, side by side with this archaic folk. So he began to feel savfer and saevery day and his army beguan to withdraw off ithes attention on theyir potential enemy. ¶

wproved to be a fatasl hmis fajuldgemnt. At oOne night in March (5 months ago), Hhis unprepared army was attacked by ~100 footmen and was totally scattered in that night. ¶

In that fight Lutius was caught
withn a big net and was taken to the barbarian warlord, which gave him a message: ¶

"We do
n'ot want new land or any of yours, but THIS forest is our land and will stay ours, until the ghosts will take the last man of my folk. Leave this land and live your life. and NEVER come back!" ¶

aen Lutius was let freed and flew with his remaining 20 men to Fremil, capital of the Empire. ¶

At Fremil, Lutius
was summoned betfore the king and begged him, tfor letave himto attack that rough folk, to get wash bitoff some of his guiltshame and dishonougr out of his hacead. He wabsol butely warnteding for revenge, BUTut the king disforballowed him,e to start this war, bfecause he (the kring) feared, that the armys of the Empire's armies would n'ot be strong enough to wienforce thvis wactory. And so it came that the king gavbandone upd the forests in the north and hopeding that cuthe frragilent peace wmight ll astay until for ever. ¶

After this short dialog Lutius
left Fremil and decided to leave Fremil and the Empire by sea, to gcletar his heamind cleand mood again. ¶

And while he was preparing
for this voyage some few friends and frew of hmais leftning soldiers welcomed him, promising to accompanducty him on his vjoyagurney. ¶

Two days later
Lutheyius allnd whis crew were osailing the southern seas aondly soton be cameught in a stronmighty storm, which almost destructoyed a big part of Lutheiusr ship. ¶

InAt the last moment, they lreandched the conast of an unknown desert island and huddlied dtown undgether tin what little pshelter sotmecting palms, trees could offer, awaiting the storm to's end. ¶

__--end of review--__ ¶

This is where first tutorial ['The Strands Of Malac' Mor'](../EmpireStoryTheStrandsOfMalacMor) starts. ¶

In this tutorial, Lutius
notrealiczes, that there is no other possibilitychance, than building up a little outpost on this island and repairing the ship there. ¶

Furthermore Saledus, one of Lutius best warriors is introduced in campaign
- story. He begs Lutius, to build up two military buildings, for an easier defencse of their outpost. And intHeroduces the basic production- buildings are introduced. ¶
AtIn the end, the ship is repaired and they start to search for a better place to settle down. ¶

The second tutorial ['An Outpost For Exile'](../EmpireStoryAnOutpostForExile) starts on a green Mediterranean island, which seems to be uninhabited. It describes the advanced infrastructure of the Empire. ¶

The third part of the tutorial: ['The Way Back Home'](../EmpireStoryTheWayBackHome) is just a short sequence at the end of 2nd tutorial. Lutius
greceivets a message, saying that the Empire was again attacked by the Barbarians and that the Empiret is now arming its complete military. It explains how Lutius comes back to Fremil, to offer his help in defending the Empire, against the Barbarians and how this offer is accepted. ¶

## Gazing for expansions ¶
