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Revision Differences of Revision 6

# Multiplayer Game ¶

Widelands can be played either over a LAN or across the Internet. ¶

## Playing in LAN ¶

Before starting a LAN-game take care that your firewall allows acces to the ports 7394, 7395 and 7396. Than start widelands, go into multiplayer-menu - you now may change your name here -, click on "host a new game" and select a map you would like to play. After clicking on OK, you just need to wait for the other players to join ¶

All other clients connected to the network should now find the server and list it, as soon as those people enter multiplayer-menu. ¶

When all player are ready, just click on "Start game". ¶

## Playing on the Internet ¶

(Since Build14ff) Widelands caprovides internet bgames pvia our metaserver. The user interface should easily lead you through the steps for openline.g Sa game. prHocwedurver als Plour metaserver system ings in LANa very eapprliy state and still has some re.strictions, Jwe welcome you to first read the InternetGaming article. ¶

Alternativly you can use
the IPLAN-game menu adnd open up a server (as hos.t) Tor fimand ually type in the IP oppf the onpent servier (as client) (if you use an older ivercsion chand canel. Mnort update to the current omne... ¶

OR getif your versiown IPis abuildress, ywithout cmetan userver our(ggz) scuppoript)

## Desync Messages ¶

"Desyncs" are bugs which occur when host and client are not synchronized anymore. Of course there still might be some bugs in widelands code that lead to such desyncs, but in most known cases the problem is based on different widelands-versions. ¶

If you get several desyncs all the time at direct beginning of the game, there's properly something wrong with the versions of widelands in use. If both server and client use the same version, make sure that no other older version of widelands or older widelands data is installed on your system (like you installed a newer version over an old one on windows / you've installed different versions of widelands via apt-get/rpm) Only if server and client have got absolutely the same version and same data, you can be sure to have a minimum danger to get desyncs.