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[TOC] ¶¶
# Basic Interface ¶
This part of the Game Help explains the buttons on the starting screen, options and multiplayer. If you are looking on help about Gameplay, see GameHelpInGame ¶
When you start Widelands you first see the splash-screen and get then to the starting menu: ¶
[![image_main_menu_small.png](/wlmedia/wlimages/image_main_menu_small.png)](/wlmedia/wlimages/image_main_menu.png) ¶
The options are: ¶
* _'[Play Tutorial](#play_tutorial)'_ - Learn the basics ¶
* _'[Single Player](#single_player)'_ - Start
* _'[Multi Player](#multi_player)'_ - Allows you to open a multiplayer game for several human players. See article GameHelpmultiplayer for technical information ¶
* _'[Watch Replay](#watch_replay)'_ - Watch a replay of a previously played game ¶
* _'[Editor](#editor)'_ - With the
* _'[Options](#options)'_ - General options for widelands (e.g.
* _'View Readme'_ - Actual information about the project and helping information ¶
* _'License'_ - License information ¶
* _'Exit Widelands'_ - Quit the game :-( ¶
## Play Tutorial ¶
##Single Player ¶
Allows you to open a game in order to play alone or against the computer. ¶
###New Game ¶
To start a new single player game and choose the map you want to play on. At the top are several filter options to minimize the scope of displayd maps. Selecting a map will show some information at the right side. If you click on _'OK'_ the next screen opens. ¶
After having chosen a map, you may chose the starting positions (click on the flag on the left). The Checkbox ![checkbox_checked.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/checkbox_checked.png) allows you to disable or enable computer players. You can always lower the number of computer players, you can even play completely alone on a multiplayer map. Further buttons: ¶
* The tribe button let you set the tribe for each player. Click on it to switch the tribe. ¶
* The '––' button let you set teams to play against. All players with
* _'Headquarters'_ is used to define a initialization, a starting condition. ¶
* _'Fortified Village '_ - Several buildings are automatically set. This makes starting easier. ¶
* _'Headquarters'_ - You start only with your
An important choice is the _'Type of Game'_: Read the tooltips to get informed about each gametype. ¶
For one map ('The Green Plateau') you can choose to play it as scenario (with Barbarians). ¶
###Campaigns ¶
Here you learn step by step the history and economy of the different tribes. To present, there are t
###Load Game ¶
Loads a previously saved single-player-game (with one human and 0 to x computer players). ¶
## Multi Player ¶
Allows you to open a multiplayer game for several human players either over Internet or LAN. For more technical information on this subject, check out the GameHelpmultiplayer. ¶
* _'Internet Game'_ - Connect to our metaserver. ¶
* _'LAN / Direct IP'_ - Play in your local network. ¶
###Client settings ¶
![menu_tab_watch.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/menu_tab_watch.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_01.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_01.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_02.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_02.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_03.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_03.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_04.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_04.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_05.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_05.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_06.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_06.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_07.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_07.png) ![genstats_enable_plr_08.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/genstats_enable_plr_08.png) ¶
You can choose to be a spectator or a player with a certain color. As a spectator, you'll see the whole map and the contents of all buildings of all players. You will also be able to chat with the players but you cannot participate in the game. ¶
As a player, you can choose all colors marked
###Player settings ¶
To the right of the client list, next to the player color flags you can choose your tribe (Barbarians, Empire, Atlanteans), your initialization (headquarter or castle village) and -if you want to - you can create teams. ¶
Two players (widelanders with different colors) in a team can
![ai_aggressive.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/ai_Aggressive.png) ![ai_normal.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/ai_Normal.png) ![ai_defensive.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/ai_Defensive.png) ![ai_none.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/ai_None.png) ¶
The players (widelanders) which are not controlled by humans can be controlled by a computer client. You can choose if it should be aggressive, normal, defensive or none (which means a headquarter standing around and doing nothing). ¶
![shared_in.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/shared_in.png) ¶
Example: On the yellow starting position you have chosen
![stop.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/stop.png) ¶
If a starting position is closed, there will be no player (no widelanders) on this starting position of the map. ¶
###Map settings ¶
You can see information about the map here. There is also a button to load another map or saved game. ¶
Below this you see the chosen win condition (see here for [definitions of the win conditions]( ¶
## Watch Replay ¶
Allows you to watch the replay of a previously saved game. This can be useful to hone your tactics or compare your
## Editor ¶
Opens the Widelands Map Editor, which you can use to create your own maps, scenarios and campaigns. For further information on this subject, check out the EditorHelphelp. ¶
## Options ¶
Allows you to set game options, such as: ¶
* resolution: you may choose between
* fullscreen: if checked, you see the game in fullscreen; otherwise in window mode ¶
* grab input: if checked while in window mode, the mouse will never leave the window ¶
After choosing your desired options, click 'Apply' to use them and return to the main screen. ¶
# Links ¶
* [Game Manual](/wiki/Game Manual) ¶
* GameHelpQuickstart ¶
* GameHelpBuildingANewEconomy ¶
* GameHelpMilitaryAndWarfare ¶
* TheTribes ¶
* BarbariansPage ¶
* AtlanteansPage ¶
* WidelandsFaqPlaying ¶
* [TechnicalFaq](/wiki/Technical Faq) ¶
* [Forum Technical Help]( ¶
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