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# Getting Started as a Creator of Game Content ¶
_(under construction) started 19 Dec 2010_ ¶

Contents ¶
[TOC] ¶

## Introduction ¶
So you are interested in creating content for the project? Great! Welcome! ¶
Whether you are a coder, graphic artist, musician, or web guru, there are some steps to take to get started as a productive participant. You may not be familiar with the development environment and tools used in the Widelands project, so this page is intended to outline what is needed by a creator of content. ¶

## ¶
All of the files that make up the source code, documentation, graphic and audio content of Widelands is maintained in one of three repositories ("trunks") on []( ¶

* __The main development ["trunk"]( - contains all of the application-related files, (i.e. everything that is needed short of a compiler and libraries to build and compile an executable version of the game.) ¶
* __The ["media trunk"]( - contains the graphic and audio sources used to generate Wideland's visual and audio content. ¶
* __The ["website trunk"]( - contains the code that supports this website. ¶

### Establishing a Account ¶
Just as the main repositories are referred to as "trunks" on Launchpad, revisions from development are referred to as "branches". More on that later. ¶
While you don't need an account to download branches from Launchpad, a account is required if you wish to effect any changes. ¶
[This link]( will take you to the Launchpad website page for setting up a new account. ¶

### SSH Key Description and Use ¶
Launchpad trusts that you are who you claim to be. Later, such as when you're using the bug tracker's email interface, you'll need to use an electronic signature to prove your identity. ¶

A Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices, encrypting and decrypting the data to ensure it is received by the intended party. ¶

[This link]( ¶
takes you to where th
e Launchpad site documents the process of setting up an SSH Key pair for use in Launchpad. ¶

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### D
escr iption and Links ¶
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To gohe dBzrPrirmectlyr to thpage PuTTYis dowanload site [xcelicklent hrerfe](http://www.chiark.greencend. for stml) ¶

## L
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> *TIP: B___QbzrPrimer___ - _(liIs ank optional putility (reaglly an exte)_ ¶
nsion *of Qbzr) that can be used in -concert _(with Bazaar. It provief des a graphical user ipnterface (GUI) whionch makes loptg ionquiries alnd uother tasks a little easityer. Here is and l[Link]( to site)_ s homepage.

### Procedures ¶

#### Creating a personal branch ¶
_Outline the process and list the commands as an example_ ¶

#### Downloading ¶
_Outline the process and list the commands as an example_ ¶
#### Adding / Committing ¶
_Outline the process and list the commands as an example_ ¶

#### Uploading ¶
_Outline the process and list the commands as an example_ ¶

## Directory structure of the media trunk ¶
_Show high/mid-level directory tree with explanations of the folders used by content creators_ ¶

## Directory structure of the main trunk ¶
_Show high-level directory tree with explanations of the folders used by content creators_ ¶

## General Graphic Development ¶

### Links to existing wiki pages on blender perspective, color, etc. ¶

## 2D Graphic Development ¶
_brief descriptive listing of the graphical elements in each following category (e.g. screen backgrounds, borders, buttons, map terrain, etc.) Mention the tools like GIMP, etc. that can be used, resizing, and perhaps some testing and quality control suggestions._ ¶

### WL User Interface Graphics ¶

### WL Game 2D Graphics ¶

### WL Editor 2D Graphics ¶

## 3D Graphic Development ¶

### Description of Blender and links to get it ¶

### The templates ¶
_List the template files and their intended use_ ¶

### The scripts ¶
_List the python scripts in the tools directory and describe what they do_ ¶

### Animation ¶
_Describe the process of animation as it is done for Widelands workers, buildings and other bobs_ ¶

## Description of conf files for graphic elements ¶

### What they are and how they are used ¶

### Common Parameters ¶

#### Pics/Dirpics ¶

#### Hotspot ¶

#### Playercolor ¶

### Animation Parameters ¶

### Building Parameters ¶

### Worker Parameters ¶

### Other ¶

### The extent to which a content creator may modify them ¶
_Warn about changing parameters that would effect game play_ ¶

## Music & Sound Development ¶
_Describe the considerations for creators of music and sounds_