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Changes in HelpTerrains

Revision Differences of Revision 2

Terrains are some of the base graphics in widelands. THis page describes how they are implemented. ¶

AThe terrain patterns ¶

The patterns for terrains have some restrictions: ¶

1. Width/height: 64 pixel ¶
2. They must be color indexed ¶
3. They couldn't get trans
parent areas ¶

# Impleme
ting ¶

e surface of the widelands terrain consists of a lot of triangles. See [geometry]( on more about this issue. The squared terrain patterns are therefore splitted into trinagles too. Look at this terrain pattern. It shows how the splitting is made:

![test.png](/wlmedia//wlimages/test.png) ¶

The pattern is splitted into 4 trinagles, which are represented with the different colors.