Changes in LinksPage

Editor Comment

Update links for Codeberg

Revision Differences of Revision 17

[TOC] ¶

# Links ¶

This is a collection of links to Widelands-related stuff. It includes links to former and current project pages for Widelands itself as well as links to external and foreign-language pages. ¶

## Current Project Hosting ¶

The project is hosted both on Codeberg and on GitHub, and the two environments are automatically mirrored by a bot, so that each contributor may choose to use whichever developer environment they prefer. ¶

### Widelands Development ¶

* [Project Page & Code Hosting]( on Codeberg. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on Codeberg.

* [Project Page & Code Hosting]( on GitHub. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on GitHub. ¶
* [Translations]( on Transifex. ¶

### Website Development ¶

* [Project Page and Code Hosting]( on Codeberg. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on Codeberg. ¶
* [Project Page and Code Hosting]( on GitHub. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on GitHub. ¶

### Metaserver Development ¶

* [Project Page and Code Hosting]( on Codeberg. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on Codeberg. ¶
* [Project Page and Code Hosting]( on GitHub. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( on GitHub. ¶

### Media Files ¶

* [Project Page]( ¶
* Project page on Launchpad. ¶
* [File Hosting]( ¶
* Website-related branches page on Launchpad. ¶
* [Bug Tracker]( ¶
* We're using the main Widelands bug tracker on
Codeberg or GitHub - use the "media" label. ¶

## Former Project Hosting on Launchpad ¶

### Website Development ¶

* [Project Page]( ¶
* Project page on Launchpad. ¶
* [Code Hosting]( ¶
* Website-related branches page on Launchpad. ¶

### Metaserver Development ¶

* [Project Page]( ¶
* Project page on Launchpad. ¶
* [Code Hosting]( ¶
* Metaserver-related branches page on Launchpad. ¶

## Former Project Hosting on SourceForge ¶
* [Project Page]( ¶
* Project page on Mostly stuff from before the move to Launchpad. ¶
* [Mailing Lists]( ¶
* List of all the mailing lists.