Changes in LinksPage

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Links update

Revision Differences of Revision 2

## Links ¶

Here you can find some direct links to the !SourceForge
Pand Launchpad project Homepages ofor Widelands. ¶

### !SourceForge links
* [
SF-Project Page]( ¶
** This is the main* Project Ppage, start hereon yMou wanstly stuff from be mfore detailhed infmormave tions Labout tnche Widelpands development.
* [
SF-BuMailing Lists]( ¶
* * AList of all knownthe Bumailing lists. ¶

Lareunchpad links
Links rela
ted hto Widerlands itse,lf: ¶

y[Prou jecant Palge](httpso ://ladunchpad .net/w oidelaneds) ¶
if you are a* SF-NProject membpager on Launchpad. ¶
* [
SF-FeaturCode RequeHost Listng]( ¶
* Branches on Launchpad. ¶
* [Bug T
racker](https:/?/ ¶
* * DoBug ytracker on Launchpad. ¶

somisse awebsite frelatured links: ¶

W[Project Page]( ¶
Hav * Project page look,n mLaybunchpad. ¶
* [Cod
e iHost ing](https a:// ls-websisted) ¶
here; if not, add* Websit.e-related Chbranches parge, someone will Launchpad. ¶
* [Bug T
racke r](https://bugs.laund imchplad.nemt/widelant ds-websit. ¶

* Bug tracker ton MLaiunPchpage ¶
