Changes in MailLists

Editor Comment

Update with info for GitHub

Revision Differences of Revision 6

## Mailing lists ¶
Here you can find links to current existing mailing lists. ¶

[List of mailing lists on]( ¶

* widelands-announce ¶
* Low traffic mailing list, announcements of new releases ¶
* [Archives]( ¶
* [Subscribe!]( ¶
* widelands-cvs ¶
* Automatic logging of SVN (originally CVS) commits (**INACTIVE**, see below) ¶
* [Archives]( ¶
* widelands-public ¶
* General discussion about Widelands and its development ¶
* [Archives]( ¶
* [Subscribe!]( ¶

To subscribe to new changes in a branch, just subscribe to it at [
LaGitHunchpadb](https://github.code.em/widge.launchpad.nets/widelands). Just choose the ones you're interested in. ¶

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