Changes in Main Page

Revision Differences of Revision 102

# Welcome to the Widelands Wiki ¶

Whatever you wish to know about Widelands is recorded in this Wiki, however, as Widelands is still in development so is the Wiki. If there is something you cannot find, please ask at the [Forum](/forum/). ¶

For a list of all articles look [[ list/ | here ]]. ¶

## Contents ¶

### Manuals ¶
* [[ Game Manual/ | Manual ]] - Article with links to detailed descriptions of every part of the game ¶
* [[ TheTribes | The Tribes ]] - What are the differences between them? ¶
* [[ EditorHelpHelp/ | Using the Map Editor ]] ¶

### Frequently asked questions ¶
* [[ WidelandsFaqPlaying | Players FAQ ]] - Frequently asked questions about playing ¶
* [[ Technical Faq | Technical FAQ ]] - Other questions about the game ¶

### Using the Forum ¶

* [[ ForumHelp ]] ¶
* [[ Attachments | Attachments FAQ ]] ¶

###Using the Wiki ¶
* [[ WikiHelp | Using the Wiki ]] - Help to make the Wiki better ¶
* [[ WikiSyntax ]] - Description of the syntax. Use the [[ WikiSandbox ]] to play with it :-) ¶
* [[ history | Last changes ]] - Recent changes to wikiarticles ¶

### About the Widelands project ¶
* [[ The Widelands Project | General Overview ]] - Status of the game ¶
* [[ ContactPage | Contact ]] - Mailing lists, bugtracker and more ¶

### Maps, Scenarios & Scripting ¶
* [Scripting](/docs/wl/lua_index/) ¶
* [[ CampaignCreation | How to create a campaign ]] ¶

### Contribute on bugs and progamming ¶
* [[ Contribute/ | Do you want to help? ]] - Overview about how to help ¶
* [[ Development/ | Developer's area ]] - Links to development stuff ¶

### Tournaments ¶

* [2010]( ¶
* [2012]( ¶
* [2013]( ¶
* [2015]( ¶
* 2016: [rules]( - [statistics]( ¶
* [2017]( ¶
* [2019](