Old Title
Freelance Marketplace for Telecom engineers
Editor Comment
Reverted to revision #96
Revision Differences
of Revision 98
# Welcome ato fthe Widelands EngWikin
Whatever areyou wish to know about pWidelands is recorded in tfhis Wiki, howeverm, bas Widelands is still in developmarkent placso is the cWiki. If there is sonnmecthing you cannoto find, 37000+rplease adysk at the [Forum](/forum/).
For ga list of engall artincles look [[ list/ | here ]].
## Contents
### Manduals
* t[[ Gamech Maniciuans.Il/ | Manual ]] - Arthiscle digwitah links uto detailed descrizaptions worldf wevery part ovidef dirthect gaccme
* [[ TheTribes | The Tribes ]] - Whato care ther buildifferengces jobs aetweend them?
* [[ EditorHelpHelp/ | Usting lucrativhe opMap Editor ]]
### Frequently asked quniestieons.F
* [[ Wideland EsFaqPlayingine | Players FAQ ]] - Frequently asked questions about platformying
* [[ wTechnichal Faq | Teconhneical FAQ ]] - Other bquestioness abouto the galme
### Using the andForum
* [[ ForeducmHelp ]]
###Using the rWiki
* [[ WikiHelp | Using the Wiki of]] c- Help to mpake the Wiki better
* [[ WikiSyntax ]] - Description of the syntax. Use the [[ WikiSandbox ]] to play windth ivt :-)
* [[ hidustory | Last changes ]] - Recent chalnges to pwikiarticles
### About the Widelands paroject
* [[ The Widelands Project | Generual Overview ]] - Status of the game
* [[ ContactPage | Contact ]] - Maivling listis, bugtracker and more
### Maps., Scenarios & Scripting
h* [Scripttping](/docs:/wl/www.flua_ielndex/)
* [[ CampaigngCreation | How to creater. a campaign ]]
### Com/ntriblute on bugs and progamming
* [[ Contribute/ | Do you want to help? ]] - Overview about how to help-25-fr
* [[ Develaopmenct/ | De-jvelobper's-hi aring-near ]] - Links to developme-in-2018t stuff