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Northmen ¶

Until now, this is just an rough idea. If you've got some nice ideas, how to improve this tribe, please write a comment on the talk page. ¶

[edit] ¶
A short summary of the Northmen ¶

The Northmen live in the wide, white and frosty winterland, between trees with white hats, Taiga and Tundra. ... ¶

[edit] ¶
Wares of the Northman ¶
[edit] ¶
Building materials ¶

* trunks ¶
* stones ¶
* leather ¶
* fur ¶

[edit] ¶
Minerals ¶

* coal ¶
* iron ore ¶
* gold ore ¶

[edit] ¶
food ¶

* smoked meat ¶
* smoked fish ¶
* bread ¶
* honey ¶
* honey beer ¶
* mead ¶

[edit] ¶
Tools ¶

* fishing rod ¶
* axe ¶
* hammer ¶
* knife ¶
* meathooks ¶
* fire tongs ¶
* rock pick ¶
* neadle ¶
* scythe ¶
* spear ¶
* brushes ¶

[edit] ¶
Weapons and warrior-cloths ¶

* bronze axe ¶
* broad axe ¶
* double bladed axe ¶
* war axe ¶
* leather cloth ¶
* leather cloth with fur ¶
* leather cloth with fur and iron jewellery ¶
* leather cloth with fur and gold jewellery ¶
* helm ¶
* goldhelm ¶

[edit] ¶
other ¶

* fish ¶
* goldjewellery ¶
* iron ¶
* ironjewellery ¶
* meat ¶
* reindeerskin ¶
* water ¶

[edit] ¶
Buildings of the Northman ¶
[edit] ¶
General ¶

* principal hall (HQ) ¶
* (construction side) ¶

[edit] ¶
Small ¶

* hunter ¶
* fisher ¶
* lumberjack ¶
* ranger ¶
* quarry ¶
* seamstress ¶
* outpost (m) ¶
* woodtower (m) ¶
* master seamstress ¶
* bee-keeper ¶
* well ¶

[edit] ¶
Medium ¶

* bakery ¶
* tannery ¶
* smokery ¶
* honey beer-brewery ¶
o mead-brewery ¶
* charcoal burner ¶
* furnace (smelting works) ¶
* blacksmith ¶
* weaponsmith ¶
o masterweaponsmith ¶
* tavern ¶
o drinking hall ¶
* wall (m) ¶

[edit] ¶
Big ¶

* farm ¶
* reindeer breeder ¶
* trainingscamp ¶
* fortress (m) ¶
* tower (m) ¶
* goldsmith (produces iron- and goldjewellery and helmets) ¶

[edit] ¶
Mines (normal an deep) ¶

* coal ¶
* granite ¶
* iron ¶
* gold ¶

normal mines ¶
need smoked fish and meat ¶
deep mines ¶
need smoked meat and MEEDE ¶

[edit] ¶
Worker professions ¶

* warrior ¶
* seamstress ¶
* master seamstress ¶
* miner ¶
* masterminer ¶
* hunter ¶
* fisher ¶
* lumberjack ¶
* ranger ¶
* reindeer breeder ¶
* bee keeper ¶
* brewer ¶
o mead brewer ¶
* blacksmith ¶
* weaponsmith ¶
* masterweaponsmith ¶
* goldsmith ¶
* smoker ¶
* tanner ¶
* builder ¶
* carrier ¶
* stonemason ¶
* smelter ¶
* landlady (inn keeper)