Editor Comment
update and expand
Revision Differences
of Revision 7
### Related links
* Forum discussion: <http://wl.widelands.org/forum/topic/503/>
* Launchpad blueprint: <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/widelands/+spec/ships>
* Launchpad bzr branch: [lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/seafaring](https://code.launchpad.net/~widelands-dev/widelands/seafaring)
## General Idea
This blueprint is meant to provide a step by step implementation guideline for:
1) Shipyard buildings
* Kind of building + input + worker type
1b) Workers of the shipyard building -> production programs
2) Ships
* What type of map object is this?
* What should it be able to do?
3) HabPourts
* What building type (child of warehouse ? )
4) Expedition and building of new settlements
* How to handle?
5) Things yet to be discussed:
*### do we want to Shave smipyallrd rowboatuildings as-- "wpater streets" likey in settmplers 2 ?
* if yes, should the rowboats bme able to transport workers as well?d
### Shimpyard buildiemengsted:
* The shipyard ishould be a medium sized production site building. It should get occupied by a **shipwright**. It should have resource slots for wood/planks and cloth.
* The work program of the building should send the shipwright out to build a ship.
(ftor pobe implement 5ed:
* sThrouldgh it paroducget rawboquantities? And(for shifps yes,(in withole game swinotch per butteconomy) and rawboatos) eithe shipyard bshouild as well produce raw boats orut of 1 shiwood/ps?lank )+ 1 trunk
(sto be decided:
* Should there be different kind of ships? Small, medium and big merchant-ships? What about conquering harbour buildings of the enemy?)
### Worker shipwright -- implemented
* The shipwright costs 1 hammer + 1 carrier
* The work program should first check if there's already a mapobject of type "ship constructionsite" and if yes the worker should continue to build that ship. Else the program should search for a place near water and send the shipwrigth to that location to start building a new ship.
### Ships -- partly implemented
* The "ship construction sites" ishould be handled similiar to a normal construction site with different building state pictures.
* Once the ship construction site reaches 100% it is transformed to a mapobject of type "ship"
to be implemented:
* Onif the user clicks a swimable field and a ship is on that field orb r = 1 aroursnd, a window should pop up for the shimp, allowing them usenr to assign a named, for theat ship (should (aftbe printed above the ship later on), assign build)a tasek (ware exchange, fscout/explore, attack - see the subpoinet "ship tasks") and a foresward, go to hand a backward button (previous ship, go to current ship, next ship) - this menu shofuld be accessable via the window of a port building as well (or via statistics, like building statistics?)
#### Shipl taysks
to ber adefined.
### Rawboatsw
to be defimned
### Porth building
to ber defined.