Changes in SeafaringImplementation

Editor Comment

small addition

Revision Differences of Revision 8

### Related links ¶

* Forum discussion: <> ¶
* Launchpad blueprint: <> ¶
* Launchpad bzr branch: [lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/seafaring]( ¶

## General Idea ¶

This blueprint is meant to provide a step by step implementation guideline for: ¶

1) Shipyard buildings ¶

* Kind of building + input + worker type ¶

1b) Workers of the shipyard building -> production programs ¶

2) Ships ¶

* What type of map object is this? ¶
* What should it be able to do? ¶

3) Ports ¶

* What building type (child of warehouse ? ) ¶

4) Expedition and building of new settlements ¶

* How to handle? ¶

### Shipyard buildings -- partly implemented ¶

implemented: ¶

* The shipyard is a medium sized production site building. It should get occupied by a **shipwright**. It should have resource slots for wood/planks and cloth. ¶
* The work program of the building should send the shipwright out to build a ship. ¶

to be implemented: ¶

* Through
check for water (if no water around, only rawboats are produced) and target quantities (for ships (in whole game not per economy) and rawboats) the shipyard should as well produce raw boats out of 1 wood/plank + 1 trunk ¶

to be decided: ¶
* Should there be different kind of ships? Small, medium and big merchant-ships? What about conquering harbour buildings of the enemy?) ¶

### Worker shipwright -- implemented ¶

implemented: ¶

* The shipwright costs 1 hammer + 1 carrier ¶
* The work program should first check if there's already a mapobject of type "ship constructionsite" and if yes the worker should continue to build that ship. Else the program should search for a place near water and send the shipwrigth to that location to start building a new ship. ¶

### Ships -- partly implemented ¶

implemented: ¶

* The "ship construction sites" is handled similiar to a normal construction site with different building state pictures. ¶
* Once the ship construction site reaches 100% it is transformed to a mapobject of type "ship" ¶

to be implemented: ¶

* if the user clicks a swimable field and a ship is on that field or r = 1 around, a window should pop up for the ship, allowing the user to assign a name for that ship (should be printed above the ship later on), assign a task (ware exchange, scout/explore, attack - see the subpoint "ship tasks") and a forward, go to and a backward button (previous ship, go to current ship, next ship) - this menu should be accessable via the window of a port building as well (or via statistics, like building statistics?) ¶

#### Ship tasks ¶

to be defined. ¶

### Rawboats ¶

to be defined ¶

### Port building ¶

to be defined.