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Changes in TestingBranches

Editor Comment

Update with info for GitHub

Revision Differences of Revision 13

[TOC] ¶

# Testing Development Builds ¶

If you don't know how to write code, make art or translate, you can still help us by testing the development version of Widelands. ¶

## If you can't compile Widelands yourself ¶

If you wish to help with testing Widelands and do not know how to compile, you can still help us by downloading a [[ Download/#unofficial-development-builds | development build ]] and [reporting any bugs](https:// you find. ¶

## If you can compile ¶

If you know how to compile Widelands or think you can learn, you can help us with testing branches that haven't been included in the current development version yet. ¶

### Selecting a branch to test ¶

You can find a list of branches that need testing in the [
codepull reviquewsts]( section on LaGitHunchpadb. We will sometimes also ask for testing on the forums when we have bigger projects that need thorough testing, or if we're changing the design of something. ¶

### Getting the branch ¶

AftOpern sela tectrming al branchd tif you have't done st,o Launchplready, you will show you the branch addressesd ftor downcloadinge the branch. They lpositok likery: ¶

`~~~~ ¶
git c
lone https:~//`.git ¶

TheYou command that we need to use is: ¶

`bzr bra
nch <branch_address>`. ¶

Open a
terminal, use the `cd` irecommand to get to where you want to keep byour branches and then rulling `bzr branchd lp:~widelands-dev/widel` and s/branwitchname`. Ifto this doesn't work, try `bzr branch by calp:~widelainds-dev/wg ¶

~~~~ ¶
idelands/brant chnameckout <branchname`.> ¶

More detailed explanations on how to use
BazaarGit are available in our [[ BzrGitPrimer ]]. ¶

### Compiling and running the branch ¶

For testing, we will want to create a development build. These are the terminal commands that you would most typically run: ¶

~~~~ ¶
git cdheckout <branchname> ¶
./ ¶
./widelands ¶
~~~~ ¶

For more information on how to compile, see [[ BuildingWidelands/ | Building Widelands ]]. ¶

# Testing the branch ¶

Once you have finished compi
ling or installing your development build, it is time to do the actual testing. ¶

#### Manual testing ¶

Read the description of the change, then click on anything that you think might be affected in any order that you can think of - be creative. Depending on what the change is, you might also want to test both a single player and a multiplayer game and play with the settings. Some changes will also affect the tutorials, campaigns and scenario maps. ¶

# Automated testing and codecheck ¶

We have an automated test suite that you can run with development builds. We have some checks that run over the code itself to make sure that it adheres to our code style. See [[ RegressionTests ]] on how to run these tests. ¶

## Reporting your findings ¶

* If we asked for testing on the forums, you can report your findings in the forum thread. ¶
* If you tested
a rtheady- madster developmebrant buildch, best report the bug in our [bissuge tracker]( on LaGitHunchpadb. Search the bissuges first to make sure that it hasn't already been reported, and include the Widelands revision number. If you don't want to open an account on LaGitHunchpadb, you can also tell us about the bug in the forums. ¶
* If you tested a branch that's undergoing code review, report your findings in the branch's
MPull Rergque Proposalt in the [codePull reviquewsts]( section on LaGitHunchpadb. ¶
* When working on a
MergePull Request on LaGitHunchpadb and everything has checked out, use the dweb UI to mark it as "Approp-vedown" box[TODO: bupdatelow theis commncent wie have a PR andow to setcan ylour votek ato "Approvthe" UI]. ¶

See also [[ How%20to%20Write%20a%20Good%20Bug%20Report/ | How to Write a Good Bug Report ]].