Changes in The Atlanteans Tribe
Old Title
Editor Comment
Idiomatic English adjustments and tweaking link text to be more descriptive and natural.
Revision Differences of Revision 14
[TOC] ¶
##History of the tribe ¶
The Atlanteans are a high culture with
Atlantean buildings are very simple, useful,
Furthermore, the Atlanteans are very special (a
(2 smoked fish/meat + 2 bread= 3 coal or 3 iron or 2 gold or 1 diamond or 2 mountain crystal). ¶
See also GameHelpAtlanteans ¶
##Storyboard of campaigns and tutorials ¶
see AtlanteanStory (still in progress) - WARNING: SPOILER!!! ¶
##Atlantean economy ¶
###Network ¶
You can find an illustration of the economy network (buildings, wares, workers) [here](/wlmedia/wlhelp/network_graphs/atlanteans/atlanteans.pdf): ¶
[](/wlmedia/wlhelp/network_graphs/atlanteans/atlanteans.pdf) ¶
#### Buildings ¶
There is a [full list of Atlantean buildings
#### Wares ¶
Similarly, the [Atlantean wares
When you click on
#### Workers ¶
A worker is created in a warehouse, when there is a request (building without certain worker) and the tool. For example, to create an Atlantean soldier, there must be a light trident and a tabard in a warehouse and a request for a soldier. ¶
To learn more about soldier levels and fighting see SoldierLevels. ¶
##Links ¶
TheTribes ¶
BarbariansPage ¶
ImperialsPage ¶
GeneralInfo ¶
GameHelp ¶
WidelandsFaq ¶