Changes in The Atlanteans Tribe
Old Title
Editor Comment
Restructured the page + New page Summary + Renamed the Page from "AtlanteansPage" to "Atlanteans Page" and created a redirect.
Revision Differences of Revision 20
[[The Barbarians Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Empire Tribe]]<br> ¶
The Atlantean
[[The Frisians Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Amazons Tribe
[[The Europeans Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Romans Tri
# The Atlante
 inspires their buildings to be very geometrical
and use (besides simple planks and stone) special materials, like spidercloth, mountain crystals and diamond.<br> ¶
Atlantean buildings are very simple, useful, and stable. Accordingly, Atlantean mines are much bigger than those from other tribes.
They mine in a radius of 5 fields around the mine and only do work in a group of 3 miners. Consequently, the build costs of mines are higher.<br> ¶
Furthermore, the Atlanteans are very special (again, both positively and negatively) in the case of food. On the one hand, they don't eat raw meat or raw fish, prefer their own kind of bread made out of corn and blackroot and don't drink alcohol; on the other hand, they are so individualistic that no one of them would ever try to create the *ultimate* universal Atlantean meal. That's one reason why there are no taverns and why the miners are directly supplied with bread, smoked fish, and meat. ¶
(2 smoked fish/meat + 2 bread= 3 coal or 3 iron or 2 gold or 1 diamond or 2 mountain crystal). ¶
You can find an illustration of the economy network (buildings, wares, workers) [here](/wlmedia/wlhelp/network_graphs/atlanteans/atlanteans.pdf): ¶
#### Buildings ¶
There is a [full list of Atlantean buildings]( that explains the basics of each. ¶
#### Wares ¶
Similarly, the [Atlantean wares]( have their own overview. ¶
When you click on a building or ware in either listing, you see further information about it. It is an extract of the economy network PDF linked above. ¶
#### Workers ¶
For example, to create an Atlantean soldier, there must be a light trident and a tabard in a warehouse and a request for a soldier.
To learn more about soldier levels and fighting see [[
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