Changes in The Empire Tribe
Old Title
Empire Tribe
Editor Comment
renamed the Page from "Empire Tribe" to "TheEmpire" and created a redirect.
Revision Differences of Revision 24
[TOC] ¶¶
[[The Tribes]]<br> ¶
[[The Barbarians Tribe]]<br> ¶
The Empire Tribe<br> ¶
[[The Atlanteans Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Frisians Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Amazons Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Europeans Tribe]]<br> ¶
[[The Romans Tribe]]<br> ¶
# The Empire Tribe ¶
The Empire Tribe is included in the default game of Widelands . ¶
# Disccusion ¶
[[|Forums / International Player Forums / Deutsch - Spielerforum / Verbesserungsvorschlag : Imperium Baracke]]<br> ¶
[[|Forums / Player Forums / Add-Ons / barbarians_empire_economy_upgrade]]<br> ¶
# History ¶
At the coast of the Gulf of Pearls an empire developed out of small tribe, a ¶
great empire. This nation was convinced of its cultural superiority. This ¶
was founded quite correctly to some extent in the inventions of famous sons ¶
of the nation, like Leonardo de Composta or Sophostles, but also in the ¶
belief, that their rulers were gods. ¶
In this empire the emperor Ninar ruled, who was able to expand the empire. ¶
This he did through conquests, but also through well-arranged marriages. ¶
As his empire got big, he appointed his sons to look after his interests in ¶
the various provinces. But as each of them wanted to be his successor, there ¶
was jealousy among them that led to distrust and fights. ¶
But the biggest challenge for the sons was to convince the other nations of the ¶
imperial culture's superiority, which they did with great fervour. On these occasions ¶
they used weapons quite regularly to make their argument. ¶
But there were nations, who did not like the progress Empire-style and made ¶
this quite clear. One of these nations were the [[ GameHelpbarbarians/ | Barbarians ]] in the distant North. ¶
# Tutorial and Campain Storyboard ¶
See [[EmpireStory]] ¶
# Economy ¶
You find an illustration of the economy network (buildings, wares, workers) [here](/wlmedia/wlhelp/network_graphs/empire/empire.pdf): ¶
The Flowchart for Empire's wares (click on it for full size): ¶
[](/wlmedia/wlimages/Empire_flowchart_20180701.png) ¶
Note the Forester does not supply any wares directly, he just helps to restock the supplies for the Lumberjack, but they do have different sized work areas. ¶
The blue arrows show upgradable buildings which may produce different wares. ¶
A worker is created in a warehouse, when there is a request (building without certain worker) and the tool. ¶
For example, to create an Empire soldier, there must be a wood lance and a helmet in a warehouse and a request for a soldier. ¶
To learn more about soldier levels and fighting see [[SoldierLevels]]. ¶
# Encyclopedia ¶
[[|Empire - Buildings]]<br> ¶
[[|Empire - Workers]]<br> ¶
[[|Empire - Wares]]<br> ¶
# Redirects ¶
EmpirePage , Empire Page , EmpireTribe , Empire Tribe , TheEmpire , The Empire , TheEmpireTribe