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Changes in WLTournament2019

Revision Differences of Revision 11

----------**FINAL RANKING**----------- ¶

|place|player|score|bucholz|match|penalty ¶
|-------|-------|-------|--------|-------|------ ¶
1| worldsavior|4.5 |13.5 | | | ¶
2|king of nowhere |4 |17 | | | ¶
3| the-x|3.5 |16.5 | | | ¶
4|mars | 3| 16.5| | | ¶
5|hessenfarmer |3 |14.5 | | | ¶
6|tando |3 |14 | | | ¶
7|kaputtnik | 3|10.5 | | | ¶
8|hasi50 |3 |9 | | | ¶
9| ektor|2.5 |9.5 | |1 | ¶
10|modelllbahner |2.5 |8.5 | | 1| ¶
11|gunchleoc |2 |15 | | | ¶
12| trimard|2 |13 | | | ¶
13| watchcat|2 |7 | | | ¶
14| laza|1 |12.5 | | | ¶
15|janus |1 |11.5 | | | ¶

## Full table ¶

|Player|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|---|---|---|---|----|---|-----|----| ¶
|ektor |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||BAR |hessenfarmer |3 | ATL| 0|0| 1 ¶
||BAR |tando |3 | BAR|0 |0 | 2 ¶
|| N/A|forfait |0 |N/A |1 |1 | 4 ¶
||N/A |modellbahnerTT |2.5 |N/A |0.5 |1.5 | 6.5 ¶
| | BAR |janus |1 |BAR |1 |2.5 | 9.5 ¶
| gunchleoc|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|| EMP |ModellbahnerTT |2.5 |ATL | 1|1 |0 ¶
|| EMP | worldsavior|4.5 | ATL|0 |1 | 3 ¶
|| N/A|tando | 3|N/A |0F |1 | 6 ¶
|| EMP | watchcat|2 | EMP | 1 |2 | 8.5 ¶
| |EMP |kaputtnik | 3| EMP | 0 |2 | 15 ¶
| Hasi50|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||N/A | forfait|0 |N/A |1 |1 |0 ¶
|| ATL| mars|3 |ATL |0 |1 |2 ¶
|| ATL|hessenfarmer |3 | EMP|0 |1 | 4 ¶
||ATL | laza|1 |BAR |1 |2 | 7 ¶
| | ATL |trimard |2 |ATL |1 |3 | 9 ¶
|hessenfarmer |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||ATL |ektor |2.5 | BAR| 1|1 | 0 ¶
|| ATL|king of nowhere |4 |EMP |0 |1 |2 ¶
|| EMP|Hasi |3 |ATL | 1|2 | 5 ¶
||ATL | trimard|2 |ATL |1 |3 | 8.5 ¶
| | BAR |tando |3 |BAR | 0| 3| 14.5 ¶
|janus |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||BAR |worldsavior | 4.5| EMP|0 |0 | 1 ¶
||ATL | ModellbahnerTT |2.5 |ATL |0 |0 | 3 ¶
||BAR |watchcat | 2|BAR | 0|0 | 5 ¶
||N/A |forfait |0 |N/A |1 |1 | 6.5 ¶
| |BAR |ektor |2.5 | BAR |0 |1 | 11.5 ¶
|kaputtnik |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|| EMP|king of nowhere |4 |ATL | 0|0 |1 ¶
|| N/A|forfait |0 |N/A | 1|1 | 2 ¶
|| EMP|laza | 1| FRI|1 |2 | 4 ¶
|| EMP| the-x| 3.5|ATL |0 |2 | 7 ¶
| | EMP |gunchleoc |2 | EMP | 1 |3 | 10.5 ¶
|king of nowhere |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|| ATL|kaputtnik |3 |EMP |1 |1 |0 ¶
||EMP |hessenfarmer |3 |ATL |1 |2 | 2 ¶
||BAR |the-x |3.5 |ATL |1 |3 | 6 ¶
|| ATL|worldsavior |4.5 |ATL |0 |3 | 12 ¶
| | ATL |mars |3 | ATL |1 |4 | 17 ¶
|laza |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||ATL |trimard |2 |ATL | 0| 0| 1 ¶
|| EMP|watchcat |2 |ATL |1 |1 | 1 ¶
||FRI |kaputtnik |3 |EMP |0 |1 | 5 ¶
|| BAR| Hasi50| 3|ATL |0 |1 | 7 ¶
| | FRI | modellbahnerTT|2.5 |ATL |0 |1 | 12.5 ¶
|mars |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|| ATL| watchcat| 2|BAR |1 |1 | 0 ¶
|| ATL|hasi50 |3 | ATL| 1|2 |1 ¶
||ATL |worldsavior |4.5 |FRI |0 |2 | 5 ¶
||ATL |tando | 3|BAR |1 |3 | 9 ¶
| | ATL |king of nowhere | 4|ATL |0 |3 | 16.5 ¶
| ModellbahnerTT|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||ATL |gunchleoc |2 |EMP | 0| 0| 1 ¶
||ATL |janus | 1|ATL |1 | 1| 1 ¶
||ATL |trimard |2 |ATL |0 |1 | 3 ¶
|| N/A|ektor | 2.5|N/A |0.5 |1.5 | 6.5 ¶
| |ATL |laza | 1|FRI |1 |2.5 | 8.5 ¶
|tando |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||BAR |the-x |3.5 |ATL |0 |0 | 1 ¶
|| BAR| ektor|2.5 | BAR| 1|1 |2 ¶
||N/A |gunchleoc |2 |N/A |1F |2 | 4 ¶
||BAR | mars|3 |ATL | 0| 2| 9.5 ¶
| |BAR | hessenfarmer|3 | BAR |1 |3 | 14 ¶
|the-x |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
|| ATL| tando|3 |BAR |1 |1 | 0 ¶
|| ATL|trimard |2 |ATL |1 |2 | 2 ¶
|| ATL|king of nowhere |4 |BAR |0 |2 | 7 ¶
||ATL |kaputtnik |3 |EMP | 1|3 | 9 ¶
| |N/A | worldsavior| 4.5|N/A |0.5 |3.5 | 16.5 ¶
| trimard|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||ATL |laza |1 |ATL | 1| 1| 0 ¶
|| ATL|the-x |3.5 | ATL| 0| 1| 3 ¶
|| ATL|ModellbahnerTT |2.5 |ATL |1 |2 | 4 ¶
||ATL |hessenfarmer |3 |ATL |0 |2 | 8.5 ¶
| |ATL | hasi50|3 |ATL |0 |2 | 13 ¶
| watchcat|using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||BAR | mars|3 |ATL |0 | 0| 1 ¶
|| ATL| laza|1 | EMP|0 |0 | 3 ¶
||BAR | janus|1 |BAR | 1| 1| 3 ¶
|| EMP |gunchleoc | 2| EMP | 0 |1 | 7 ¶
| | N/A |forfait | 0|N/A |1 |2 | 7 ¶
|worldsavior |using tribe|against player|with final score|using tribe|result|progressive|Buch progressive| ¶
||EMP |janus |1 | BAR|1 |1 | 0 ¶
|| ATL |gunchleoc | 2|EMP |1 |2 | 1 ¶
||FRI |mars |3 |ATL | 1|3 | 3 ¶
||ATL |king of nowhere |4 |ATL |1 |4 | 9 ¶
| | N/A | the-x|3.5 |N/A |0.5 |4.5 |13.5 ¶

--------- **FIFTH TURN** ----------- ¶

Game will be played on "ice wars", win condition: collectors ¶

deadline for starting the game is **sunday 18 august**. Deadline for completing the game is **sunday 25 august** ¶

- |red player|result|black player|time ¶
|-----------|---------|-------------|---- ¶
- | worldsavior | X| the-x| scheduled sunday 11 august 13:30 CEST ¶
- |mars |0-1 | king of nowhere | Wednesday, August 14, 20:00 CEST ¶
- | hessenfarmer | 0-1| tando | ¶
- |gunchleoc | 0-1 |kaputtnik | scheduled saturday 10 august at 20 CEST ¶
- | trimard|0-1 |Hasi50 |scheduled thursday 8 august at 28:30 CEST ¶
- | modellbahner | 1-0| laza |scheduled Sunday, 18th at 17 UTC ¶
- |janus | 0-1| ektor |scheduled tuesday 6 august 20:30 CEST ¶
- | watchcat | 1-0| forfait| ¶

--------- **FOURTH TURN** ----------- ¶

Game will be played on "fjords" 1.2 version, (map downloadable at win condition: wood gnome ¶

deadline for starting the game is **sunday 28 july**. Deadline for completing the game is **sunday 4 august** ¶

- | blue player|result|red player|time ¶
|-----------|---------|-------------|---- ¶
- | worldsavior | 1-0 |king of nowhere | scheduled monday 15 june 14:30 CEST ¶
- | the-x| 1-0 | kaputtnik | scheduled saturday 13 july at 14 CEST ¶
- | hessenfarmer| 1-0| trimard | scheduled tuesday 23 july at 1 CEST ¶
- | mars| 1-0| tando|scheduled saturday 20 july at 19 CEST ¶
- | gunchleoc | 1-0| watchcat| scheduled wednesday July 24th, 18:45 CEST. ¶
- | laza | 0-1| Hasi50 | scheduled thursday 18 july at 13 CEST ¶
- | modellbahnerTT | 0.5 - 0.5 | ektor | ¶
- | janus | 1-0 | forfait | ¶

--------- **THIRD TURN** ----------- ¶

Game will be played on "crossrivers", (map downloadable at win condition: artifacts ¶

deadline for starting the game is **sunday 14 july**. Deadline for completing the game is **sunday 21 july** ¶

- | blue player|result|red player|time ¶
|-----------|---------|-------------|---- ¶
- | worldsavior | 1-0| mars | scheduled monday 8 july 18 CEST ¶
- | king of nowhere | 1-0| the-x | scheduled saturday 6 july 14 CEST ¶
- | laza | 0-1|kaputtnik |scheduled sunday 7 july at 11 CEST ¶
- | hessenfarmer | 1-0| Hasi50 |scheduled sunday 7 july at 20 CEST ¶
- |trimard | 1-0|modellbahnerTT |scheduled sunday 7 july at 18 CEST ¶
- | tando | 1-0 |gunchleoc | forfeit ¶
- | watchcat | 1-0| janus | ¶
- | ektor | 1-0|forfait | ¶

--------- **SECOND TURN** ----------- ¶

Game will be played on "three warriors", win condition: autocrat ¶

deadline for starting the game is **sunday 7 july**. Deadline for completing the game is **sunday 14 july** ¶

- | blue player|result|red player|time ¶
|-----------|---------|-------------|---- ¶
- | king of nowhere | 1-0 | hessenfarmer | scheduled monday 1 july 20:30 CEST ¶
- | gunchleoc|0-1 | worldsavior | scheduled tuesday 25 june 21:30 CEST ¶
- | mars | 1-0| Hasi50 | scheduled saturday 29 june 19 CEST ¶
- |trimard |0-1 |the-x | scheduled saturday 29 june 10 am CEST ¶
- | ModellbahnerTT | 1-0 | janus | ¶
- |watchcat | 0-1| laza| scheduled saturday 29 june "maybe 3 pm" ¶
- | ektor |0-1 | tando | scheduled sunday 30 june at 20 CEST ¶
- |kaputtnik | 1-0| forfait | ¶

--------- **FIRST TURN** ----------- ¶

Game will be played on "the thaw", win condition: territorial lord ¶

deadline for starting the game is **sunday 23 june**. Deadline for completing the game is **sunday 30 june** ¶

- | red player| tribe|result|yellow player|tribe|time ¶
|-----------|------|---|-------|-------|---- ¶
- | king of nowhere |ATL | 1-0 | kaputtnik |EMP | scheduled sunday 23 june 14:30 CEST ¶
- | gunchleoc | EMP |1-0 |ModellbahnerTT | | scheduled thursday june 20 20:00 CEST ¶
- | mars | | 1-0 | watchcat | | scheduled thursday june 20 18:30 CEST ¶
- | trimard | | 1-0 | laza | | ¶
- | hessenfarmer | |1-0 | ektor | | second session scheduled friday 21 june 21:30 CEST ¶
- | the-x | |1-0 |tando | | ¶
- | worldsavior | |1-0 |janus | | scheduled monday 17 june at 23 CEST ¶
- | Hasi50| | 1-0 | forfait | | ¶

----------**RANKING AFTER ROUND 4**----------- ¶

|place|player|score|bucholz|match|penalty ¶
|-------|-------|-------|--------|-------|------ ¶
1| worldsavior|4 |9 | | | ¶
2|king of nowhere |3 |12 | | | ¶
3|mars |3 |9 | | | ¶
3|the-x | 3|9 | | | ¶
5|hessenfarmer |3 |8.5 | | | ¶
6| tando|2 |9.5 | | | ¶
7| gunchleoc|2 |8.5 | | | ¶
7|trimard |2 |8.5 | | | ¶
9| Hasi50|2 |7 | | | ¶
9| kaputtnik|2 |7 | | | ¶
11|ektor |1.5 |6.5 |0.5 |1 | ¶
11| modelllbahnerTT|1.5 |6.5 |0.5 | 1| ¶
13|laza |1 |7 |1 | | ¶
14|watchcat |1 |7 |0 | | ¶
15| janus|1 |6.5 | | | ¶

----------**RANKING AFTER ROUND 3**----------- ¶

|place|player|score|bucholz|match ¶
|-------|-------|-------|--------|------- ¶
1|king of nowhere |3 |6 | | ¶
2|worldsavior |3 |3 | | ¶
3|the-x |2 |7 | | ¶
4|hessenfarmer |2 |5 | | ¶
4| mars|2 |5 | | ¶
6|kaputtnik |2 |4 | | ¶
6| tando| 2| 4| | ¶
6| trimard|2 |4 | | ¶
9| gunchleoc|1 |6 | | ¶
10| laza|1 |5 | | ¶
11|Hasi50 |1 |4 | | ¶
12|ektor |1 |4 | | ¶
12| modellbahnertt|1 |3 | | ¶
13| watchcat|1 |3 | | ¶
15|janus |0 |5 | | ¶

----------**RANKING AFTER ROUND 2**----------- ¶

|place|player|score|bucholz|match ¶
|-------|-------|-------|--------|------- ¶
1| king of nowhere|2 |2 | | ¶
1| the-x|2 |2 | | ¶
3| mars|2 |1 | | ¶
3| worldsavior| 2| 1| | ¶
5|gunchleoc |1 |3 | | ¶
5| trimard|1 |3 | | ¶
7| Hasi50| 1|2 | | ¶
7| hessenfarmer|1 |2 | | ¶
7| kaputtnik| 1|2 | | ¶
7|tando |1 |2 | | ¶
11| modellbahnerTT| 1|1 | | ¶
11| laza| 1|1 | | ¶
13|watchcat |0 |3 | | ¶
13|janus | 0|3 | | ¶
15|extor |0 |2 | |