Changes in WLTournamentTwentyTwelve
Editor Comment
inserted an actual new forum thread, erased old dates, erased first map: Glacier lake, changed Kristin --> Fopper
Revision Differences of Revision 2
[TOC] ¶¶
# WL Tournament 2012 ¶
We are proud to present the second Widelands tournament. ¶
Its not only a competition, but also a celebration of what Widelands became in the last 11 years: ¶
A highly detailed strategy game with plenty of different playing opportunities, ¶
many cute animations, graphics and sounds, translated (> 50% of all texts) in 18 languages, ¶
including 3 tribes, 4 worlds, an editor,
other players. So lets celebrate this success of so many engaged graphic designers, ¶
translators, map creators and programmers! ¶
Please post all your questions in the according [forum thread](
## Who can participate? ¶
Its open for everyone: Developers, Casual Gamers, Fans, Followers. Everyone. ¶
Playing together is possible via internet or local network
place the week-end of the WihackTwentyTenReloaded (30th october), but you don‘t have to be ¶
present there to win :-)
the number of participants has to be a power of 2, so the first ¶
2/4/8/16/32... registering players will be in. How big the tournament will be is ¶
determined by the number of players who sign up. ¶
##When? ¶
* Preliminaries during January 2012 ¶
* Final: TBA ¶
##Why? ¶
* For fun! ¶
* To go down into the annals of history as one of the participants of the second Widelands Tournament ¶
##How to register? ¶
* per private message to [Fopper: clicky]( ¶
* with (nick)name and indication which tribe you play in the first game ¶
* until 2th January 2012. ¶
The brackets (who is playing who) will be presented here after the end of the registration period. ¶
##Rules ¶
* 1 vs. 1, Player combinations will be drawn randomly and presented here. If there are many registrations, this mode may be preceded by a group stage. ¶
* Widelands build 16 or - if the two players agree - any newer developers snapshot ¶
* Games are hosted by one of the two players or another person. To find someone, who hosts a game for 2 Windows players, ask in the [IRC chat]( ¶
* After every game, **both** players send a private message to [Fopper]( with ¶
1. I won! / I lost ¶
* Playing which tribe? Your favorite! When you register, include which tribe you want to play in your first match. After the game, let
* Playing which map? For each game, there is a predetermined map.
* There will be 2 - 8 games per person. For every game, the players will have approx. one week.
### Where do I find the replays I have to send in? ¶
A replay consists of two files (a .wgf and a .wrpl); both must be sent in. ¶
Widelands saves those files into its replays directory automatically. You have ¶
to send both files via Mail to
you played (the information in the bottom right corner in the main menu of ¶
widelands) as
To find the right replay: the naming of the replay is the date and time it was created + whether it was a multiplayer or single player game. If you are unsure, best run the replays via the replay menu in Widelands' main menu. ¶
Replays are saved in the following places for the different operating systems: ¶
#### Windows ¶
In <userhomedir>\\.widelands\\replays where <userhomedir> is the Directory all user data is saved in (e.g. C:\\User\\Nasenbaer ). Zip the two corresponding files up and send them in. ¶
NOTE: this was written by a none windows developer, so if something is partly different, please feel invited, to fix the information :) ¶
#### Mac OS X ¶
In `~/.widelands/replays`. This folder is hidden by default, access it via the ¶
`Open Folder` menu item in the Finder (Keyboard shortcut is Shift+Cmd+G). Enter ¶
`~/.widelands/replays` in the location bar and click the Ok button. Zip up the ¶
two files of your game for easier sending. ¶
#### Linux ¶
In '~/.widelands/replays'. Zip the two corresponding files up and send them in. ¶
## Bracket ¶
The brackets (who is playing who) will be presented here after the end of the registration period. ¶
## Replays ¶
You can download the replays of the games already played: ¶
Make sure to have the same game version (shown in brackets) as the replay to watch them. ¶