Changes in WiHackTwentyTenReloaded

Revision Differences of Revision 10

# Wi Hack 2010 Reloaded ¶

## News and Changelogs ¶

* There is a [Thread in the forum]( Be ¶
sure to keep reading it. ¶

## General informations ¶

### What it is ¶

Here we go again, the last WiHack ([[ WiHackTwentyTen ]]) was a nice event and advanced Widelands, therefore we do it again. WiHack stands for either of the following: ¶

* Widelands International Hacking and Coding (in) Karlsruhe 2010 ¶
* Widelands' International House of Affiliates Conference Karlsruhe 2010. ¶
* Widelands: Intense Hours of Advancement Conference Karlsruhe 2010. ¶

The idea is that players and developers can meet to play and advance Widelands ¶
together. Players of all ages/experience are welcome. The same for developers: ¶
experienced developers will be present at the meeting that have worked a lot on ¶
Widelands but complete newcomers are also very welcome to join in and we will ¶
help them to get up to speed quickly. See below for some projects that we plan ¶
to advance at the WiHack 2010 Reloaded. ¶

Participating in the WiHack is free and everybody is welcome! ¶

#### When / Where does it take place ¶

The WiHack 2010 Reloaded will take place from the 29. of October (evening) - 1. ¶
of November (evening) at the rooms of the ¶
[Entropia Karlsruhe e.V](, Karlsruhe Germany: ¶

Entropia e.V. ¶
Gewerbehof ¶
Steinstraße 23 ¶
76133 Karlsruhe ¶
Germany ¶

You can find directions to the rooms [here](äume). There's also a link to [Google Maps](ße+23,+Karlsruhe&ll=49.00727,8.407717&spn=0.00525,0.012918&t=h&om=1) and [Open StreetMap]( ¶

#### Accomodations ¶

The cheapest way to sleep is at the Entropia: bring your sleeping pad and ¶
sleeping bags and lay down. There is also one shower. There are plenty of hotels ¶
and also a [Jugendherberge]( for more ¶
expensive but more refreshing accommodations. Lastly, you can try to ask locals ¶
for a nice place to sleep; best be asking in the forum thread. ¶

#### Travel information ¶

Karlsruhe is easily reachable by train. From the Hauptbahnhof, you can take ¶
nearly all S-Bahns (at least S1, S4, S11 and the 2) to the Marktplatz/Pyramide. ¶
From there, you go straightly east into the Zähringerstraße, two roads later, ¶
you turn right into the Adlerstraße. The next crossroad, you will be on a small ¶
plaza with a fountain. Cross this plaza; there is a big gate which already has ¶
some signs leading to the Entropia and the Café Palaver (and other stuff). Enter ¶
this gate and you come into a small courtyard, enter the house on the left and ¶
you are at the WiHack 2010 Reloaded. ¶

Try to ask in the forum thread if you search others to travel together. ¶

## Projects ¶

Here we collect fast ideas what we want to tackle: ¶

#### Widelands itself ¶

* New multiplayer launch game menu and shared kingdom behaviour (Nasenbaer) ¶
* Lua stuff, Atlanteans Campaign (SirVer, Nasenbaer) ¶
* Lua worker programs (if SirVer feels hackish!) ¶
* Implementation of [[ BlueprintMenus ]] ¶
* Help system? ¶

#### Widelands homepage ¶

* Maybe merge and roll out the GGZ branch. ¶
* Help system? ¶

## I will show up ¶

* Holger (SirVer) ¶
* Nicolai (ixprefect) ¶
* Tim (Tmk) ¶
* Peter (Nasenbaer) from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon ¶
* Jens (QCS) from Saturday late morning to Monday evening ¶
* Joachim (nomeata) from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon (~3pm) ¶
* Timo (timowi) from Saturday morning to Monday