Changes in WidelandsGoingCMake
Revision Differences of Revision 4
# Widelands going CMake ¶¶
Widelands project plans to move from the current build system Scons to CMake. ¶
This page is to track progress and collect important information in the transition process. ¶
## Table of Contents: ¶
[TOC] ¶
## Important Links ¶
* [Scons]( ¶
* [CMake]( ¶
* [CMake Tutorial \(PDF\]]( ¶
## Identified Tasks ¶
### Changes in Build ¶
* *make install* does not exclude SVN directories ¶
* add "PATTERN "\*.svn\*" EXCLUDE" to global CMakeLists.txt file *INSTALL* directive ¶
### Transition tasks ¶
* Identify Scons tasks and targets used by widelands, replace using cmake & make ¶
## Important notes ¶
### Things to know about the transition ¶
* Transition uses a SVN branch called "cmake-transition", not "trunk" ¶
### Starting with CMake in the transition ¶
#### Preparation ¶
* $ mkdir ~/wl_cmake_transition ¶
* $ cd ~/wl_cmake_transition ¶
* $ svn co widelands-cmake ¶
* $ mkdir widelands-build ¶
#### Using CMake ¶
* $ cd ~/wl_cmake_transition/widelands-build ¶
* $ make install -j3
### Using CMake ¶