Changes in WikiSandbox
Editor Comment
Some 'B's sorted
Revision Differences of Revision 40
Sorting Wikiarticles listed in [lists]( ¶¶
Main goal is to get an overview and sort them into some cathegories. Second goal is to sort the main menu (which is at the top of the webite) ¶
* [Discussion]( ¶
* ¶
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# Development programmers ¶
Article | last
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- | ¶
AboutAudio |10-12-10 | How audio could be changed and implement | Developers and users | could be extended; maybe split: one for users, one for programmers | ¶
AboutBattle |07-25-13 | historical draft | | usefull? | ¶
AboutColors |07-25-13 | How playercolors are internally set | Developers | | ¶
AboutGeometry |07-25-13| Link to | Developers | redirect? | ¶
AboutSourceCodeDocumentation |09-14-13| selfexplaining | Developers | usefull?| ¶
AiImprovements |09-14-13| empty, not maintained | | | ¶
AiLuaFramework |09-28-11 | i Don't know, nothing really interesting i guess | Developers | usefull?| ¶
AudioClips | 06-15-09 | Don't know what word phrases have to do with audioclips | ? | usefull? | ¶
# Unrelated ¶
Article | last
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
[Artwork]( | 06-10-13 | Banners and pictures | everyone | should contain a license of how this pictures could be used | ¶
# Tribedescriptions ¶
Article | last
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- | ¶
AtlanteansPage | 07-21-13 | selfexplaining | users | | ¶
AtlanteanStory | 11-23-11 | an attempt | users | should be extended| ¶
AtlanteanTutorialCampaign | 09-09-09 | not complete; a draft; links to AtlanteanStory | users | ? | ¶
AtlantidsPage | 11-11-10 | A description of Buildings, wares and workers | users | in my mind not very usefull | ¶
BarbariansPage | 09-18-14 | selfexplaining | users | | ¶
BarbarianStory | 05-28-09 | Storyline; Links to Tutorials and Campains | users and devs | | ¶
BarbarianStoryAPlaceToCallHome | 03-07-09 | description of tutorial 2| | | ¶
BarbarianStoryEyesInTheDark | 03-07-09 | description of tutorial 1 | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryHateAndDespite | 11-20-11 | Prologue | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheCitadelOfAdlen|03-07-09 | Description of campaign mission 1 | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheRiseOfTheTraitor |04-12-09 | Description of Campaign | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheSecondEmpire |03-07-09 | Description of Tutorial | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheWarlordsBanner | 04-10-09 | empty | | | ¶
BarbarianStoryThisLandIsOurLand | 03-07-09 | Tutorial 3 | | First sentences could be deleted? | ¶
BarbarianStoryThunderhand | 03-07-09 | description of campaign mission 2 | | | ¶
#### Umlaut Test ¶
Try to test some non-ascii characters: ÄÖÜ äöü ß ¶
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