Changes in WikiSandbox

Editor Comment


Revision Differences of Revision 46

Sorting Wikiarticles listed in [lists]( ¶

Main goal is to get an overview and sort them into some cathegories. Second goal is to sort the main menu (which is at the top of the webite) ¶

* [Discussion]( ¶
* ¶
------------- ¶

# Development programmers ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
AboutBattle |07-25-13 | historical draft | | usefull? ¶
AboutColors |07-25-13 | How playercolors are internally set | Developers | ¶
AboutGeometry |07-25-13| Link to | Developers | redirect? ¶
AboutSourceCodeDocumentation |09-14-13| selfexplaining | Developers | usefull? ¶
AiImprovements |09-14-13| empty, not maintained | | ¶
AiLuaFramework |09-28-11 | i Don't know, nothing really interesting i guess | Developers | usefull? ¶
BzrPrimer |07-05-14 | How to use bazaar (for svn or git users) | devs | Maybe this article should be renamed in "Bazaar" ¶
DebuggingDesyncs | none(?!) | selfexplaining | devs | ¶
DevelopersPage | 04-18-10 | Link to developers and facbook group | users and devs | maybe could be merged with another page; e.g. ContactPage ¶
Development| 08-05-14 | seems to be very importand | devs | should be maintained by the devs ¶
DevelopmentScreenshotAppDraft | 03-17-09 | drafting page for the screenshot application | devs | usefull? ¶

## Art development ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
BlenderPerspective | 04-04-13 | HOWTO make a graphic with blender (under revision) | Art devs | Under revision about 1year? ¶

## Audio development ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
AudioClips | 06-15-09 | Don't know what word phrases have to do with audioclips | ? | usefull? ¶
AboutAudio |10-12-10 | How audio could be changed and implement | Developers and users | could be extended; maybe split: one for users, one for programmers ¶

# development for creative users ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
[Building Widelands]( | 11-15-14 | selfexplaining | users and devs | overlaps with BuildingWidelandsUnderWindows / BuildingWidelandsUnderWindowsNew / BuildingWidelandsMac ¶
BuildingWidelandsMac | 11-05-13 | selfexplaining | users and devs | Overlaps with BuildingWidelands ¶
BuildingWidelandsUnderWindows | current work | selfexplaining | users devs | Overlaps with BuildingWidelands ¶
BuildingWidelandsUnderWindowsNew | current work | selfexplaining | users and devs | Overlaps with BuildingWidelands ¶
CampaignCreation | 08-05-13 | selfexplaining | creative users and devs| ¶
CampaignUi | 04-22-09 | explainig the conf file for campaigns | campaign devs | ¶
DevelopmentgameContent | 06-03-09 | Overview for creative users | users and devs | Startpage / Overview ¶

# Un
sorelated ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
[Artwork]( | 06-10-13 | Banners and pictures | everyone | should contain a license of how this pictures could be used ¶
BugTrackerMaintenance | 04-28-12 | list of bugs without a milestone set | devs | listst bugs contains 2 confirmed. all other bugs are won't fix, incomplete or fix commited. If this list isn't updated it has no benefit. ¶
ClientServerDesign | 11-21-09 | estimate of how much network traffic would be needed | devs | In my opinion not usefull ¶
CommunityPolls | 02-05-12 | thoughts about community polls | forum | is the option for those polls integrated in the website? ¶
ContactPage | 03-11-10 | selfexplaining | users ¶
[Contribute]( | 08-05-14 | How to contribute | users ¶
[Creating Game Content]( | Links to some articles | users ¶
DedicatedServer | 09-23-13 | How to start such server | users ¶
Description | 02-07-14 | general descri9ption of the game | users ¶
Download| 07-18-14 | selfexplaining | users | ¶
EditorHelpEventMenu | 03-19-11 | This menu no longer exists in build 16 or later. | ? | archive? ¶
GameCustomizing | 02-28-14 | 4 links to some articles | devs | first link to ProductionSiteProgramReference which contains only a sentence ¶
GameHelpempire | 02-27-09 | Short description of empire tribe | users | ? ¶

# Blueprints ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
BlueprintFreshMeat | 06-13-12 | enhance different usage of meat by the tribes | devs | still relevant? ¶
BlueprintMenus |10-30-10 | proposal for reworking the menu windows for wares | devs |still relevant? ¶
BlueprintRegions | 03-23-10 | Region support in Editor and Game | devs | still relevant? ¶
BlueprintSoldiersNotFromWarehouse |11-29-11 | proposal to change the way soldiers are created | devs | still relevant? ¶

# Tribedescriptions ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
AtlanteansPage | 07-21-13 | selfexplaining | users | ¶
AtlanteanStory | 11-23-11 | an attempt | users | should be extended ¶
AtlanteanTutorialCampaign | 09-09-09 | not complete; a draft; links to AtlanteanStory | users | ? ¶
AtlantidsPage | 11-11-10 | A description of Buildings, wares and workers | users | in my mind not very usefull ¶
BarbariansPage | 09-18-14 | selfexplaining | users | ¶
BarbarianStory | 05-28-09 | Storyline; Links to Tutorials and Campains | users | ¶
BarbarianStoryAPlaceToCallHome | 03-07-09 | description of tutorial 2| | | ¶
BarbarianStoryEyesInTheDark | 03-07-09 | description of tutorial 1 | | ¶
BarbarianStoryHateAndDespite | 11-20-11 | Prologue | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheCitadelOfAdlen|03-07-09 | Description of campaign mission 1 | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheRiseOfTheTraitor |04-12-09 | Description of Campaign | | ¶
BarbarianStoryTheSecondEmpire |03-07-09 | Description of Tutorial | | |BarbarianStoryTheWarlordsBanner | 04-10-09 | empty | | ¶
BarbarianStoryThisLandIsOurLand | 03-07-09 | Tutorial 3 | | First sentences could be deleted? | ¶
BarbarianStoryThunderhand | 03-07-09 | description of campaign mission 2 | | ¶
EmpireStory | 05-28-09 | Storyline | users | "Heavily under construction" for over 5 years? ¶
EmpireStoryAnOutpostForExile | 06-03-09 | Texts of Tutorial 2 | ? | usefull? ¶
EmpireStoryEmpireProtagonists | 11-26-11 | Chracters of Tutorial/Campaign | ? | ¶
EmpireStorySummary | 11-22-11 | selfexplaining | ? | ¶
EmpireStorytheStrandsOfMalacMor | 05-30-10 | description of tutorial 1 | ? | ¶
GameHelpatlanteans | 10-03-10 | Some background of this tribe | ? | ¶

# Game manuals ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
GameManual | 09-18-14 | mainarticle of manual | users | Could be enhanced with pictures ¶
GameHelpbasicInterface | 04-24-11 | description of nearly all buttons in whole game | users | should be split into more articles; old pictures ¶
GameHelpbuildingANewEconomy | 10-10-10 | HInts about building an economy | users | ¶
GameHelpmilitaryAndWarfare | 03-30-11 | HInts about military | users | ¶
GameHelpMultiplayer | 07-13-09 | selfexplaining | users | ¶
GameHelpquickstart | 09-11-13 | selfexplaining | users | could be enhanced with some pictures

## Editor ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
EditorHelpHelp | 03-19-11 | describe how to use the Editor with all of its functions | users | not complete ¶
EditorHelpMainMenu | 03-19-11 | description of Editor main menu | users | should enhanced with pictures ¶
EditorHelpPlayerOptions | 03-19-11 | description of playeroptions | users | ¶
EditorHelpToolMenu | 03-19-11 | description of tools menu | users | picture has to be updated (missing port) ¶
EditorHelpToolsizeMenu | 03-19-11 | selfexplaining | missing picture(s) ¶
EditorHelpTutorial | 01-18-10 | Tutorial start | users | startpage of tutorial ¶
EditorTutorial | 03-26-09 | link to EditorHelpTutorial | | should be a redirect ¶
EditorTutorialHeightLevels | 04-08-09 | selfexplaining | users | pictures has to be updated ¶
EditorTutorialNewMap | 04-08-09 | selfexplaining | users | pictures ok ¶
EditorTutorialPlaceResources | 04-08-09 | selfexplaining | users | old pictures ¶
EditorTutorialRemainingStuff | 03-19-11 | selfexplaining | users | overlaps with EditorHelpPlayerOptions ¶
EditorTutorialShapeTerrain | 04-08-09 | selfexplaining | users | old pictures ¶

## Other languages than english ¶

### German ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
EditorHilfeTutorial | 01-18-10 | Tutorial start (german) | users | startpage in german language ¶
EditorTutorialGestaltGelaende | 01-18-10 | shape terrain (german) | users | pictures has to be updated ¶
EditorTutorialHoehenStufen | 01-19-10 | height tool | users | pictures has to be updated ¶
EditorTutorialNeueKarte | 01-19-10 | new map tool | users | pictures has to be updated ¶
EditorTutorialPlatzierungRessourcen | 04-14-11 | place ressources | no pictures there... ¶

# Empty or not more used ¶

Article | last edit | content | related to | comment ¶
--------- |---------| ----------- | ------ | ------------- ¶
EditorPlans | 03-19-11 | empty | | ¶
GameHelpBarbarianBuildings | 04-10-09 | empty | | ¶
GameHelpbarbarians | 10-03-10 | empty, link to BabariansPage | | ¶
GameHelpempireBuildings | 02-22-09 | just nothing | | ¶
GameHelpimperials | 10-03-10 | link to IMperialsPage | |