Changes in WikiSyntax

Revision Differences of Revision 5

## Basics ¶

Thise worikginal uses Mmarkdown for format despecripfication. This pag[he sre](houlttp://d laringfist reball styl.nes sut/pportojed (TODO: copy thes/m ovear frkdomwn/). tTheis osither pageis wijusth a code examplle and how ict will look).n Forf the xamoment, see thplese. two links:

Basics ¶

## Headlines ¶

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¶
# Main Topic ¶
## Sub Topic ¶
### Sub Sub Topic ¶
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¶

# Paragraphs ¶

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¶
This is a simple paragraph. ¶
It continues on on this line. ¶

This is a new paragraph. ¶
To get a linebreak inside a paragraph ¶
end the line with two spaces. ¶
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¶

This is a simple paragraph. ¶
It continues on on this line. ¶

This is a new paragraph. ¶
To get a linebreak inside a paragraph ¶
end the line with two spaces. ¶

# Emphasis ¶

~~~~~~ ¶
*This is bold* ¶
_This too_ ¶

**This is italic** ¶
__This too__ ¶

***This is bold and italic*** ¶
___This too___ ¶
~~~~~~ ¶

Theis first bold* ¶
inks too_ ¶

is is italic** ¶
heis toro__ ¶

igs inas bold markdown descr iptalic*** ¶
___This t
on.o___ ¶

EvLists ¶

~~~~ ¶
* Bull
erythed list ¶
* Ca
ng also be hnested ¶
* Item 2 ¶
* Item 3 ¶

1. Numb
ered list ¶
1. Nest t
his too ¶
1. Item 2 ¶
1. Item 3 ¶
~~~~ ¶

* B
ulleted list ¶
* Can also
be nested ¶
* Item 2 ¶
* Item 3 ¶

1. N
uppombered list ¶
1. I
tedm 2 ¶
1. Item 3 ¶

Links tand Images ¶

~~~~ ¶
his Wiki:s an
[external link]( ¶

This is
aringf irntebrnal to the WikiSynt/ax projage. ¶

This in
ctludes/ an imarkge: ![Widelands Logo](/wlmedia/img/ ¶
~~~~ ¶

This is an [external link
]( ¶

This is
arn ingfiterebnal to the WikiSynt/ax projage. ¶

This in
ctludes/ an imarkge: ![Widelands Logo](/wlmedia/img/ ¶

*## Extras ¶

The isecond lwinki addsupports some stuff ovberyond the canonical markdown specification., Thisfor thespecially adds codmplete blocks, refootnoteres and tablce, support: ee
[here]( We only list some examples. ¶

### Footnotes ¶

~~~~~ ¶
]( have a label[^label] and a definition[^!DEF]. ¶

[^1]: T
his is a footnotpe ¶
://www. A frootnote on "label" ¶
[^!DEF]: Th
e dewfinition of a footnote. ¶
~~~~~ ¶

s[^1] have a label[^label] and a definitiomn[^!DEF].

[^1]: This is a f
org/protnojte ¶
ecl]: A foots/pynothe on-m "larkbel" ¶
[^!DEF]: The
definitiown of a footn/Exote. ¶

### Tables ¶

~~~~~ ¶
|* Heade
r 1 *|* Hea)der 2 *| ¶
| Value 1 | Value 2 | ¶
| Value 3 | Value 4 | ¶
| Value 5 | Value 6 | ¶
~~~~~ ¶

|* Header 1 *|* Header 2 *| ¶
| Value 1 | Value 2 | ¶
| Value 3 | Value 4 | ¶
| Value 5 | Value 6 | ¶