Wiki: Index
There are 180 articles in this wiki.
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Filter articles by tag: addon | addons | amazons | archived | atlanteans | barbarians | buildings | community | delete | Development | editor | empire | europeans | forum | frisians | game | graphics | help | immovables | outdated | ressources | romans | Story | sumatrans | tribes | wares | wiki | world
Page | Summary | Last update | Tagged with |
AboutAudio | How audio could be changed and implement | 2023-01-01, 11:36 | Development, help |
AboutColors | How playercolors are internally set | 2023-01-01, 11:36 | Development, help |
AboutSourceCodeDocumentation | A page concerning sourcecode documentation and what to do. | 2023-01-01, 11:38 | Development, help |
Add-Ons | Overview over all available add-ons in the Add-Ons Manager | 2025-02-19, 15:54 | addon, game |
Ai Training | Theory about training AI (genetic algorithm) | 2023-01-01, 11:38 | Development, help |
AiLuaFramework | AI LUA Framework | 2023-01-01, 11:40 | Development, help, outdated |
All - Wares | This Article List all in Widelands existing Wares , including Wares from Addons | 2024-12-29, 23:16 | tribes, wares |
Artwork | Banners and pictures for private use | 2023-01-01, 14:17 | community |
AtlanteanStory | Storyboard of the Atlanteans | 2023-01-09, 21:44 | atlanteans, game, outdated, Story |
Attachments | FAQ for Forum attachments | 2023-02-02, 17:21 | forum, help |
AudioClips | Working area for development and discussion of audio clips | 2023-01-01, 11:48 | outdated |
BarbarianStory | Barbarian story board | 2023-01-01, 12:21 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryAPlaceToCallHome | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:21 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryEyesInTheDark | Reverted | 2023-01-01, 12:22 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryHateAndDespite | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:22 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryTheCitadelOfAdlen | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:22 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryTheRiseOfTheTraitor | Story | 2023-01-01, 12:23 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryTheSecondEmpire | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:23 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryThisLandIsOurLand | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:24 | barbarians, game, Story |
BarbarianStoryThunderhand | Restored | 2023-01-01, 12:24 | barbarians, game, Story |
BlenderPerspective | Page about the current perspective for renders (in blender) | Yesterday 17:31 | Development, outdated |
BlueprintFreshMeat | New ideas about meat in the game (Blueprint) | 2023-01-01, 12:01 | Development, outdated |
BlueprintMenus | Blueprint for reworking the in game menus of wares, workers and buildings examining two aspects: the item's sorting and the illustration. | 2023-01-01, 12:01 | Development, outdated |
BlueprintRegions | Blueprint for better Region support in widelands. | 2023-01-01, 11:59 | Development, outdated |
BlueprintSoldiersNotFromWarehouse | The blueprint for SandyBeaches' suggestion to have soldiers produced at a separate building rather than at the warehouse. | 2023-01-09, 17:41 | archived |
Building Widelands | Instructions for building Widelands | 2025-02-08, 17:16 | Development, help |
Building Widelands in Visual Studio | This article explains how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to build and develop Widelands on Windows | 2023-01-01, 12:06 | Development |
BuildingWidelandsUnderWindowsNew | Build instruction for windows users to get recent trunk compiled | 2023-05-16, 09:16 | Development, help |
BuildingWidelandsWIN10 | This describes an attempt to build widelands on Windows 10 using the Ubuntu subystem | 2023-01-01, 12:08 | outdated |
Building_Widelands_on_macOS | Building widelands on OSX. | 2023-01-01, 12:08 | Development, help |
CampaignCreation | Campaign creation | 2023-01-01, 12:25 | Development, game, help |
CampaignUi | Syntax | 2023-01-01, 12:12 | outdated |
ClientServerDesign | Draft with the most important conclusions about a client/server design for Widelands. | 2023-01-09, 17:42 | archived |
CodeHostingAndVCS | The Pros and Cons of various code hosting providers, CI Services and version control systems | 2023-04-03, 19:58 | Development |
CommunityPolls | Discussion and list of rules for the community polls. | 2023-01-01, 12:14 | help |
ContactPage | Contacts | 2024-10-17, 08:52 | help |
Contribute | Shows the different ways of contributing to Widelands and how to get started. | 2023-10-10, 10:04 | Development, help |
Creating Game Content | Gives an overview about the possibilities to modify Widelands and link to pages for more details | 2023-01-01, 12:17 | Development, help |
DebuggingDesyncs | Help for debugging desyncs | 2023-01-01, 12:16 | Development, help |
Description | General help for the game | 2025-02-17, 17:27 | game, help |
DescriptionCzech | Introduction to Widelands game and universe | 2025-02-17, 20:01 | game, help |
DescriptionFr | French translation of the Description page of the game. | 2025-02-17, 20:00 | game, help |
DescriptionGerman | German translation of the Description page | 2025-02-17, 20:00 | game, help |
DescriptionPolish | Polish translation of the Description page | 2025-02-17, 20:01 | game, help |
DescriptionScottishGaelic | Scottish Gaelic translation of the description page. | 2025-02-17, 20:00 | game, help |
DescriptionSpanish | Description of Widelands in spanish. | 2025-02-17, 20:00 | game, help |
Development | Development content site | 2023-01-09, 11:21 | Development, help |
DevelopmentgameContent | These pages are for documentation of Widelands' game content like tribes, worlds, campaigns and so on. This section might be interesting for develo | 2023-01-09, 17:35 | Development, game, help |
Dither_Layers | Current values for dither_layer | 2023-01-01, 12:35 | Development, help |
Documentation Rules | Documentation Rules and Workflow | 2023-01-01, 12:36 | Development, help |
Download | How to get Widelands, where to download. | 2025-01-26, 13:54 | game |
DownloadFr | French translation of the download page. | 2023-04-14, 13:10 | game, outdated |
DownloadSpanish | How to get Widelands, were to download in Spanish. Flags in the summary of | 2024-11-29, 11:17 | game |
EditorHelp | Editor main page | 2023-01-01, 12:39 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorHelpHelp | Help page for the editor | 2023-01-01, 12:40 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorHelpMainMenu | Editor help - main menu | 2023-01-01, 12:41 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorHelpPlayerOptions | Editor help - player options | 2023-01-01, 12:41 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorHelpToolMenu | Editor help - tool menu | 2023-01-09, 11:16 | editor, help, outdated |
EditorHelpToolsizeMenu | Editor help -toolsize menu | 2023-01-01, 12:43 | editor, help, outdated |
EditorHelpTutorial | Editor Tutorial, Hauptseite | 2023-01-01, 12:47 | editor, game, help |
EditorHilfeTutorial | Editor Tutorial, Hauptseite | 2023-01-01, 12:44 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialGestaltGelaende | Editor Tutorial, Strukturierung des Geländes | 2023-01-01, 12:48 | delete, editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialHeightLevels | Editor tutorial, heightmap | 2023-01-01, 12:48 | editor, game, help, outdated |
EditorTutorialHoehenStufen | Editor Tutorial, Höhenausformung in der Karte | 2023-01-01, 12:49 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialNeueKarte | Editor Tutorial, Erstellung einer Karte | 2023-01-01, 12:49 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialNewMap | Editor tutorial, creating a map | 2023-01-01, 12:50 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialPlaceResources | Editor tutorial, placing resources | 2023-01-01, 12:51 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialPlatzierungRessourcen | German translation - Final Edit by Admins required. | 2023-01-01, 12:51 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialRemainingStuff | Editor help, last part | 2023-01-01, 12:51 | editor, game, outdated |
EditorTutorialShapeTerrain | Editor tutorial, shaping the terrain | 2023-01-01, 12:52 | editor, game, outdated |
EmpireStory | Empire story board | 2023-01-01, 12:53 | editor, game, Story |
EmpireStoryAnOutpostForExile | Second mission of Empire tutorial | 2023-01-01, 12:54 | editor, game, Story |
EmpireStoryEmpireProtagonists | Empire protagonists | 2023-01-01, 12:54 | editor, game, Story |
EmpireStorySummary | Summary of the Empire story | 2023-01-01, 12:55 | editor, game, outdated, Story |
EmpireStorytheStrandsOfMalacMor | This page explains the story of the first scenario of the Empire tutorial campaign. | 2023-01-01, 12:55 | editor, game, Story |
Europeans - Wares | This Article List all Wares of the Europeans Tribe | 2024-12-23, 23:37 | europeans, tribes, wares |
Foresters House | The Foresters House building of each tribe | 2025-02-16, 14:18 | buildings, tribes |
ForumHelp | This page describes the usage of the Forum. | 2023-01-01, 12:56 | forum, help |
FrisiansStory | The frisian campaign story | 2023-01-06, 13:27 | frisians, game, Story |
Game improvement suggestions | List of all requested game improvment suggestions with their results | 2025-02-21, 23:10 | game |
Game Manual | A start page to give a quick overview and link to more detailed pages. | 2024-03-02, 07:46 | game, help |
GameCustomizing | How To customize the widelands game | 2023-01-01, 12:59 | Development, help |
GameHelpatlanteans | The atlantean history | 2023-01-01, 12:59 | atlanteans, game, help |
GameHelpbasicInterface | Page to describe the basic interface of the game | 2023-01-01, 13:01 | game, help, outdated |
GameHelpbuildingANewEconomy | Help page | 2023-01-01, 13:01 | game, help, outdated |
GameHelpempire | Links | 2023-01-01, 13:02 | empire, game, help |
GameHelpInGame | Description of buttons and windows while playing widelands | 2023-01-01, 13:09 | game, help |
GameHelpmilitaryAndWarfare | Military help | 2023-01-01, 13:12 | game, help |
GameHelpMultiplayer | Full multiplayer menu & game help | 2023-01-08, 16:31 | game, help |
GameHelpquickstart | Quickstart | 2023-01-01, 13:10 | game, help |
GameHelpSinglePlayer | Help for Single Player menu | 2023-01-01, 13:12 | game, help, outdated |
GarrisonOnAttackables | New feature proposal | 2023-01-09, 17:42 | archived |
GenericMovementSuggestions | From old wiki | 2023-01-09, 17:43 | archived |
GettingStarted | This page contains information helpful for those who wish to contribute game content to the project. | Yesterday 18:31 | Development, help, outdated |
GitPrimer | Guide for using git, with comparison between bazaar and git | 2023-10-10, 10:29 | Development, help |
GoogleSummerofCode | Wideland's participation in Google Summer of Code | 2023-01-01, 13:16 | Development |
GraphicsDevelopment | Information for Graphicians | 2024-01-03, 22:23 | Development, help |
Headquarters | The Headquarters building of each tribe | 2024-12-17, 00:11 | buildings |
HelpTerrains | How terrains are handled | 2023-01-01, 13:18 | Development, help |
HomepageDocuTimeDisplay | Explain the syntax of time_display here | 2023-01-01, 13:18 | forum, help |
How to Write a Good Bug Report | Guidelines and best practices for how to write a useful bug report | 2023-10-10, 10:24 | Development, game, help |
Hunters House | The Hunters House building of each tribe | 2025-02-23, 17:25 | buildings |
Intro | Description about Intro of the game | 2023-01-01, 13:24 | Development, game |
IrcBridgeImprovements | Blueprint IRCBridge | 2023-01-01, 13:26 | Development |
LinksPage | Various links | 2023-10-10, 10:08 | help |
LuaScripting | Scripting Widelands using Lua | 2023-01-01, 13:29 | Development, help |
Lumberjacks House | The Lumberjacks House building of each tribe | 2025-01-30, 19:13 | buildings, tribes |
MailLists | List of mailing lists | 2023-01-01, 13:30 | help |
Main Page | Main page of the wiki | 2025-02-17, 17:33 | forum, game, help, wiki |
Media Images to Delete | All Media Images of the Wiki that are still open to delete | 2025-02-24, 18:15 | wiki |
military_buildings | The Military buildings of each tribe | 2024-12-15, 20:42 | buildings |
Naval Warfare Quickstart Guide | Document the experimental Naval Warfare feature until it gets a tutorial. | 2024-01-31, 02:06 | |
NorthmenPage | Northmen page | 2023-01-01, 13:36 | frisians, game |
Port | The Port building of each tribe | 2024-12-15, 19:13 | buildings |
RegressionTests | Short description of commands to run regression tests and codecheck. | 2024-10-27, 21:48 | Development, help |
ReleasingWidelands | Steps to release a Widelands build | 2024-11-17, 20:51 | Development, help |
ReportingBugs | How to report bugs | 2023-10-10, 10:18 | Development, help |
ResourceMining | This document presents a model for resource dynamics. | 2023-01-09, 17:43 | archived |
RoadMap | The Widelands roadmap | 2023-01-09, 10:49 | delete, Development, outdated |
Romans - Buildings | A List of all Buildings of the Romans Tribe | 2025-01-28, 14:45 | addons, game, romans, tribes |
Romans - Graphics | The Graphics State for the Romans Tribe | 2025-01-03, 21:00 | buildings, graphics, romans |
Romans - Immovables | This Article List all Immovables of the Romans Tribe | 2025-02-20, 21:34 | immovables, romans |
Romans - Wares | This Article List all Wares of the Romans Tribe | 2025-02-17, 19:55 | addons, game, romans, tribes, wares |
Romans - Workers | This Article List all Workers of the Romans Tribe | 2025-02-05, 23:23 | addons, game, romans, tribes |
Scenario Tutorial | Scenario tutorial, which should give some help for creating a scenario | 2023-01-01, 13:40 | Development, help |
SeafaringImplementation | Blueprint for seafaring | 2023-01-09, 17:44 | archived |
Second Widelands Map Contest | Page of the second Widelands map contest | 2023-01-09, 17:44 | archived |
Shed | The Shed building of each tribe | 2024-12-15, 20:29 | buildings |
SoldierLevels | explanation of soldier levels and fighting | 2023-01-01, 13:43 | game, outdated |
SoundEffects | List of sound effects | 2023-01-01, 13:44 | game, outdated |
SourceCodeRepositoryPolicy | Source Code Repository Policy | 2023-10-10, 10:22 | Development, help |
StatisticsSavedOnMetaServer | Blueprint | 2023-01-09, 17:45 | archived |
StockLevels | This is a proposed blueprint for a single universal concept for improving all aspects of material and military distribution. | 2023-01-01, 13:54 | Development, game, outdated |
Sumatrans - Graphics | The Graphics State for the Sumatrans Tribe | 2025-01-17, 14:49 | buildings, graphics, sumatrans |
Sumatrans - Wares | This Article List all Wares of the Sumatrans Tribe | 2025-01-02, 18:28 | sumatrans, tribes, wares |
Sumatrans Buildings | This Article List all Buildings of the Sumatrans Tribe | 2025-02-16, 15:26 | buildings, sumatrans, tribes |
Technical FAQ | Technical related FAQ | 2024-10-14, 18:00 | game, help |
Terminology Correspondence Table | Lists Terminology changes for the tribes | 2023-01-01, 14:20 | Development, game |
TestingBranches | Instructions on how to test Widelands development builds. | 2023-10-10, 10:15 | Development, help |
The Amazons Tribe | Overview about the Atlanteans Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:54 | amazons, game, tribes |
The Atlanteans Tribe | Overview about the Atlanteans Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:54 | atlanteans, game, tribes |
The Barbarians Tribe | Overview about the Barbarians Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:55 | barbarians, game, tribes |
The Empire Tribe | Overview about the Empire Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:55 | empire, game, tribes |
The Europeans Tribe | Overview about the Europeans Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:51 | addons, europeans, game, tribes |
The Frisians Tribe | Overview about the Atlanteans Tribe | 2024-12-10, 18:54 | frisians, game, tribes |
The Romans Tribe | Overview about the Romans Tribe | Yesterday 20:59 | addons, game, romans, tribes |
The Sumatrans Tribe | Overview about the Sumatrans Tribe | 2025-02-16, 16:46 | addons, game, sumatrans, tribes |
The Tribes | Overview about the Tribes of Widelands | 2025-02-23, 13:46 | amazons, atlanteans, barbarians, empire, europeans, frisians, romans, sumatrans, tribes |
The Widelands Project | General Infos about Widelands | 2023-01-01, 14:23 | game |
Tips and Tricks | This article offers miscellaneous tips and tricks for advanced gameplay. | 2023-01-01, 14:25 | game, help |
TranslatingGerman | Instructions for translating into German | 2023-01-01, 14:32 | Development, game, help, outdated |
TranslatingScottishGaelic | Instructions for Translating into Scottish Gaelic (gd) | 2023-01-01, 14:32 | Development, game, help |
TranslatingSpanish | TranslatingSpanish | 2023-01-01, 14:32 | Development, game, help |
TranslatingTheWiki | How to translate | 2023-01-01, 14:33 | delete, help, outdated, wiki |
TranslatingWidelands | Translation of Widelands | 2023-04-22, 20:25 | Development, game, help |
TranslationMaintenance | Updating gettext catalogs and fetching translations. Validating translations. | 2023-01-01, 14:41 | Development, game, help |
TriagingBugs | Triaging and working with bugs and bug reports. | 2023-10-10, 10:13 | Development, help, outdated |
UsabilityWareSorting | This blueprint aims to improve the usability of wares lists especially for beginners, by making the arrangement of the wares more logical by grouping | 2023-01-09, 17:46 | archived |
Warehouse | The Warehouse building of each tribe | 2024-12-16, 23:54 | buildings |
Well | The Well building of each tribe | 2025-01-17, 23:42 | buildings |
WidelandsArtEthics | Explanation of the philosophy behind Widelands visual and audio design. | 2023-01-01, 14:48 | Development, game |
WidelandsFaqPlaying | FaqPlaying for beginners | 2023-01-01, 14:50 | game, help |
WidelandsGoingCMake | Documentation of the transition to CMake | 2023-01-09, 17:46 | archived |
WidelandsHosting | Comparison of available/acceptable hosters for the Widelands development | 2023-01-09, 17:47 | archived |
WiHackTwentyEleven | Skeleton, copied from WiHack 2010 Reloaded | 2023-01-01, 14:52 | community |
WiHackTwentyTen | Information about WiHack 2010 | 2023-01-01, 14:52 | community |
WiHackTwentyTenReloaded | Summarized information about the next Wihack | 2023-01-01, 14:52 | community |
WikiHelp | How to use the Wiki | 2023-01-09, 17:40 | help, wiki |
WikiSandbox | Play around with the different wiki syntaxes | 2025-02-17, 18:15 | wiki |
WikiSyntax | Wiki Syntax breakdown | 2025-02-03, 19:52 | help, wiki |
WLTournament2016FullStatistics | This page contains all the statistical information available about the 2016 tournament. | 2023-01-01, 14:54 | community |
WLTournament2017 | Widelands tournament 2017. All information available | 2023-01-01, 14:55 | community |
WLTournament2019 | WL Tournament 2019 Stats and rankings | 2023-01-01, 14:55 | community |
WLTournamentTwentyFifteen | announcement and rules WLT 2015 | 2023-01-01, 14:55 | community |
WLTournamentTwentySixteen | rules and bracket | 2023-01-01, 14:55 | community |
WLTournamentTwentyTen | WL Tounament 2010 | 2023-01-01, 14:55 | community |
WLTournamentTwentyThirteen | Announcement + rules for WL Tournament 2013 | 2023-01-01, 14:56 | community |
WLTournamentTwentyTwelve | Tournament2012 | 2023-01-01, 14:56 | community |
WorkerDistribution | Worker Distribution blueprint | 2023-01-09, 17:47 | archived |
World Resources | All about the Resources in the Widelands World | 2024-12-30, 01:15 | ressources, world |