Topic: give some bonus to the defender?
teppo |
Posted at: 2019-07-07, 08:55
Defenders on field do not go home to heal, after losing many HPs. Attackers do. This is a major disadvantage, IMO. If the aggressor continues attack (even one single rookie at a time), the attacker can heal its heroes but the defender cannot. The suggestion of K_o_N could help, though. Top Quote |
WorldSavior |
Posted at: 2019-07-07, 14:14
I think you mix up something, because this is not correct...
At which healing rate? Castles could become to hard to defeat then. I'm against it. At least players should chose if they want to play this new system or the normal system.
I'm against that. It can also be an advantage. For example, look at a single building full of heroes which gets attacked by a giant number of much weaker soldiers. Then it's very useful that the heroes swarm out. If not, the only defender at the doorstep will be swarmed and often hold back when he tries to retreat, so he might die. There is already a way to achieve that defenders stay in the building: Building directly at the border. So it might be better if it would be optional if defenders always stay in the building.
Why is that clunky? One could say that every building has just one healer, who can only work inside the building.
Why? Isn't that rather realistic?
I disagree. For example, if both players have exactly one supersoldier (and if they are thinking that), they might not risk to lose him by attacking, so it's rather a stalemate situation. And even if two players are rushing each other, the game doesn't end immediately. For example it can happen that both lose almost all soldiers, so they have to build up an economy.
Even not the one which I mentioned above?
The defenders already heal in their buildings, this might be enough.
One could make this rushing optional. Currently it is useful if one wants that an attacking supersoldier gets surrounded.
The defending soldiers could be always showed in their building, and one could create an option like "tell defender to return into the building now".
This might be a good change
On bigger maps, it is an economical challenge, on small maps one can play rushes. Good system, would be a pity to lose the possibility to rush at small maps... Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
teppo |
Posted at: 2019-07-07, 15:05
Surprising. I did not have suitable savegames, could not verify. I guess you play more and are right.
Should the defender have higher odds of retreating (if there are still other soldiers inside)?
What is a good algorithm? Always picking the defender that has highest odds of defeating the next attacker can devastate the defending heroes. If there is only one attack, the situation is still simple. However, if the aggressor launches many attacks, picking the right guy can be difficult. I could start with the following: - If there are non-wounded defender, start with weakest one that has higher promotion than attacker. If no such guy, use weakest. - If no unwounded defenders, launch the guy that has highest odds of winning. The latter is a bit difficult, as there is some randomness involved and doing a monte-carlo everywhere would slow down. So approximation of some kind would be needed.
Time flows on, and one of the players gains new military power faster.. Besides, one could launch few rookies first, to wound the hero and only then use the own supersoldier? Besides, I think the idea was to give the defender a modest boost, not to make attacks impossible. Top Quote |
JanO |
Posted at: 2019-07-07, 20:45
In Settlers2 there was an option-window where one could set the parameters of the algorithm that selects the defenders. It contained some slider bars for - I guess - number of soldiers sent out by attacked building, number of soldiers sent out by other buildings, strength of selected defenders. Another parameter could be the distance, that has to be undercut by an attacking soldier before a building sends out defenders. With those decisions given to the player, the algorithm itself would not need to be very intelligent. Other idea: WorldSavior mentioned a healer in his argumentation. Maybe the soldiers could regenerate simultaneously inside the military building at a very slow rate (they help each other or just sleep a bit) and one soldier is healed by the healer (faster). The player might have the option to send the healer out, so he/she heals one defender near this military building (maybe use some medicine or healing herbs for that) Edited: 2019-07-07, 20:46
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Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2019-07-08, 20:22
I think options to select how the building decides on the defenders would be too complicated since you´ll have to set this for every single building, possibly multiple times. IMHO an additional "weakest/strongest soldier always remains inside" button should be enough.
That would be overkill IMHO Top Quote |
the-x |
Posted at: 2019-07-08, 21:50
We must be careful, not fully strengthen the defensive player, cause this might lead to neverending games! Maybe we should make one building you cannot attack till 1 hour / till you build Lager / or the best way i think: make recruiting in the first steps much cheaper and faster and the latest steps much more expensive Top Quote |
king_of_nowhere Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2019-07-08, 22:17
i don't like that; too arbitrary.
how would that help the defender? if nothing else, it would actually encourage early rush with cheap soldiers rather than developing the economy. Top Quote |
JanO |
Posted at: 2019-07-08, 23:05
Why would one have to set parameters like those for each building individual? I guess one global setting would succeed, because if there is fighting going on, the player focuses on that and can control his/her defense by those slider bars. This would not affect other buildings within the peaceful part of the territory. Settings for individual buildings would not make much sense because they would cause even more work for the player than releasing the defending soldiers manually at all. The possibility to release a healer was my idea to implement king_of_nowhere's idea of healing all soldiers within friendly territory or within a specific range of a military building. I think it would not necessarily be too overpowered, because as long as the healer is outside, he/she cannot heal soldiers inside the building. A player who releases a healer would lose a lot of potentially regenerated hitpoints just to have one soldier being healed outside. Of course the healer would have to go back inside after each healed soldier. Disinfect equipment, paperwork, powernapping... Edited: 2019-07-08, 23:07
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2019-07-09, 10:58
One different solution might be to increase the original defence capability of defending soldiers by a value dependent of the military presence (Military strength of soldiers) in the vicinity of the fight. Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2019-07-09, 14:54
This would be similar in effect to a territory bonus. How about we start with leaving the soldiers inside the attacked building and get this into trunk, then see from playing experience if more needs to be done? Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |