Topic: Sumatrans Tribe
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Posted at: 2024-12-09, 18:12
Well, with the sumatrans_ it was definitely not a typo in the register files. It was exactly how I have described that. I really do not understand, why you are trying to twist this into something, which is not true. I really don't like such a reality twisting makes me upset and I do not understand, why you are doing that.
I am a very practical person and I do not like doing things just as an eyecandy. That is why I modified the world in the way I did and my reasons for that are in my previous post already.
I understand that to implement such a changes is not a trivial thing. I alone am not able to do that. I was originally planning anyway that this world modifications will be accessible only through the addon, which is working fine for a human player or multiplayer. The only problem is the AI. And if you don't need AI, you can play it without restrictions on all types of maps already now. I did and it is fun. I am just going to improve the notifications, some text string, the editor, add few new graphics and it is fine. I have already played many games on all types of terrain and never had a problem to beat AI. Only poor hamlet is a little bit tricky and complicated. And if someone wants to rebuild the tribe somehow to make a new official tribe for current world setting, he can do that. As for now, it is an addon and for multiplayer or game without AI it works fine. ![]() ![]() |
hessenfarmer![]() |
Posted at: 2024-12-09, 18:46
sorry I did not want to cause any trouble. ![]() ![]() |
tothxa![]() |
Posted at: 2024-12-09, 23:09
I didn't have time to actually try this add-on yet, though I'm really curious about the graphics. But I'd like to give my opinion about the Amazon trees: I tend to agree that it may be a good idea (as in fit the background of the tribe) to limit them on winter terrain, but I also agree with @hessenfarmer that such a change doesn't belong in a new tribe add-on. But if it was proposed as a PR against master, then I'd probably vote for it. ![]() ![]() |
mxb2001![]() |
Posted at: 2024-12-10, 00:59
About an hour in before I realized they can't plant all regular trees, only the palm subset. So far the starting trees (a mix of regular and palm on the Borneo Kralle map) have been sufficient not to need a palm planter... yet. (I did need one in try #1 which as per another post I had to abort due to an addon clash between two other addons) I was wondering if on maps that grow palms naturally I'd even need a palm planter! : ) Pretty sure I will. Couple things that could be improved: Leaves gatherer's should be Leaf gatherer's Chicken's farm should be Chicken farm a few more I saw in the smaller texts, will try and collect them and post them later. -- ![]() ![]() |
hessenfarmer![]() |
Posted at: 2024-12-10, 08:16
In this case any effort to balance the tribes economies like in your still discussed PR's would be rendered useless, imho, as we would always fall back to the point wrong tribe for the map / terrain. ![]() ![]() |
OIPUN![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-12-10, 13:30
New version 1.0.1 for both add-ons was uploaded. As for the world, just editor was made available. In tribe add-on, some text strings were improved, build costs of port changed, by hunting crocodile you get not just skin but meat as well now and programs of few buildings were changed to reduce the unwanted notifications. Still occur but not so often. Most of the games played with previous version should be still compatible. Only the port or expeditions may cause some troubles but rather not. ![]() ![]() |
OIPUN![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-12-10, 13:34
Thank you. Chicken farm already corrected. The rest in the next version. ![]() ![]() |
OIPUN![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-12-10, 13:44
Thank you for comment. Graphics should be improved, I just tried to show the direction where it can go. Please don't open the world setting topic again. Needs time. It is not to be solved now. And the add-on is still in its testing phase. ![]() ![]() |
mxb2001![]() |
Posted at: 2024-12-11, 03:19
2 hours in now and have a full economy built up. The early going has the usual wood shortages but they didn't feel as severe as those of other tribes. The tropical wood is a bit of trouble but less so than for the Amazons. Runs smoothly through the mining phase although there may be a bug with the gold/copper and stone/diamond mines. They simply refused to get any meals until I forced them out of the iron & coal ones. Not sure if it's a bug or what. They were further away but it shouldn't have been that bad. Naturally there was a meal shortage. Hungriest tribe I've ever seen. : ) In the late phase a few things were extremely tricky. Craftsmen (experienced or not) were insanely hard to create. The diamond mine not spitting out raw diam. didn't help nor did the fact that the Basic Workshop needs a craftsman to make whetstones but you need whetstones to make a craftsman... Didn't get stuck, no, just a lot of moving the few initial craftsmen around between the places they work at. The other really hard ones were chief hunters. I made two and stuck them in a house to become Crocodile Dundees but then saw I needed a third for the Hunting Camp. Thought I was finished with them after I had 2... : ) Here too you need chief hunters to get croc skins but you need croc skins to make hunters... Didn't get stuck here either. These Sumatrans are just cassava crazy. : ) I guess each tribe has its obsession and that's theirs. You need farms and when you think you have enough you better build more... Once they become experienced and you can level up to plantations you need water. Easy on some maps like the one I'm playing (BorneoKralle). Oh also forgot about the expansion buildings. 2 types. Guard (1 man and uses 2 trop. wood) and Sentry (2 man and uses palm leaves). At first I started with the Guard ones since they seemed cheaper and have same conquer range but after a while you run out of trop. wood while your palm leaves are increasing so you switch. After a long while it seems you don't need palm leaves for much else so sentries become the standard. Not sure what the Guard Posts are for except convenient at the start. Oh and a note on palm leaves. They lie on the ground and block building so if you are using wood cutters to clear palm forests for space you require leaf gatherer's also. A bit different. Oh and the palm wine I thought would be hard but pretty much a palm planter somewhat away from the cutters (doesn't even have to be outside of range of the lumberjacks at all as I expected) plus a winery and well they're not too demanding. An old palm or two is all they seem to need. The level 2 carrier (oh btw typo in the tribal gathering popup it says "carrior" couldn't be built due to lacking meal (or something)) is yet another meal consumer. Pretty rough, IIRC other tribes get away with feeding the donkeys or whatnot wheat and water only. Anyways, overall a neat new tribe. Lotsa fun. -- ![]() ![]() |
OIPUN![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-12-11, 10:40
This tribe needs good terrain. Summer if fine, on desert, it is like you wrote before, they even do not need palm planters, wasteland a little bit trouble and winter, brrr so cold for palms.
Yes, to play really smoothly a lot of economy micro management is needed and the tribe is very hungry, when your road system is growing. But once your road system is steady, there is a very big boom. So you need a good road system.
I usually also wait for experienced workers a lot. One has to count with this in advance. My basic workshop, weaving mill and coppersmith's house usually work in mode "produce regardless of economy needs" when I don't have an experienced worker yet. I also wait for chief hunters, not so much for experienced farmers. But that is because, while playing Headquarters, you already have 3 at the beginning.
I tested many different maps Danube Basin, Crete, Sicily, Green Mauritius, Borneo, Jungle Pyramids, Cenere di Pompei, Antarctic Conquest, Full Moon, Noon Lake (flowering meadows and thermal springs are needed to grow palms) and also Tropical Sumatra (my unofficial tropical.wad add-on, where you can play Amazons as well is needed). Some maps are still waiting
Yes, Guard Posts are for start and for terrains where palm trees are hard to grow.
I was considering how to set this up and decided for this option. Never got into trouble because of this and it is better for leaf gatherers.
This wrong string should be fine in 1.0.1 version. Not sure what version you have been playing. In the new version, as you probably already know, playing Sumatrans should be easier, because you get an extra meat for crocodile too. Should be more fair as a reward for having experienced hunters. I also still had a feeling that the tribe is too weak in comparison to the others. But it should be similar situation as by Frisians. Slow start, big boom afterwards.
Happy to hear. I am looking forward to play the tribe with new graphics of headquarter, port and warehouse, should be even better, but do not have enough time for that now. ![]() ![]() |