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Topic: Sumatrans Tribe

Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Location: The land of the thirsty spider
Posted at: Yesterday 20:05

OIPUN wrote: It really needs experience. I learned by myself while testing too. I usually build three jungle marshes for one hunting camp when the HC should work on 100%. If I want one additional hunter's house , I count one JM more.

Wow, that's a brutal requirement. JM's are "cheap" (BTW how are jungle ghosts trained? doesn't seem a problem but it is very mysterious) but the green space can be a major problem in certain maps. (Definitely on Borneo's starting isles)

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
Posts: 198
Location: Czech
Posted at: Yesterday 21:57

mxb2001 wrote:

BTW how are jungle ghosts trained? doesn't seem a problem but it is very mysterious

Not sure about this. I've never been to a jungle on my own to meet the ghost. Probably the place itself is shaping it. By building a marsh you shape the ghost. Every place has its own maybe spirit would be better word. You can feel it while travelling. In Norway for example, you have some kind of Nordic ghosts. I little bit rough but playful, wanna play with you that is because not many people are living there probably. In Italy, the ghosts are crazy. Maybe because of the long history the ghosts seem to be overstimulated. I was so happy to be at home when I returned form Italy. We have kind of mild and kind ghosts here in Czech Republic. But I simplify that for sure. How can one describe a ghost.

the green space can be a major problem in certain maps. (Definitely on Borneo's starting isles)

Do not understand why should?

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