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Topic: Content and looks of the new "cheap in-game help"

Joined: 2010-10-05, 19:31
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Posted at: 2012-02-20, 17:59

Hmm… Well, you don’t have to restart WL after each modification. Just reopen the window in question. That’s how I did it. face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2012-02-20, 19:30

Astuur wrote:

I know, what Sirver will answer: "Not at this time"

True. face-grin.png

Anyhow, thank you for the files, and of course the your work behind those. I will try to figure out, if and how I can use your formatting elements by analogy. I am not sure how far that will carry with someone as "programming illeterate" as myself, but I can try."

It’s mostly a case of copy and paste. face-wink.png

By the way: It should be no problem taking the needed functions out of the single help files and collecting them in one file in the scripting folder (could be formatting.lua or a new file). Then you don’t need the „header“ of the file and the formatting of the help is definitely consistent.

In case I utterly fail, would you be willing to do some formatting for source text I provide?


And if so, you might want to tell me, what format you'd want the text and/or graphics in.

Well, plain text and path of the graphics. Or as PDF, if that’s easier for you.

But maybe I can answers that myself, once I have looked at your .lua files?

Hmm, perhaps I should have commented the functions…

Let's see... again thanks Venatrix!

You’re welcome. face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2012-02-22, 21:37

Venatrix wrote:

By the way: It should be no problem taking the needed functions out of the single help files and collecting them in one file in the scripting folder (could be formatting.lua or a new file). Then you don’t need the „header“ of the file and the formatting of the help is definitely consistent.

Well, I gave it a try and yes, it’s really as easy as I thought. face-smile.png

I made a new file format_help.lua for the scripting folder (I even tried to comment the functions…). When you have that you can use the help file (is recommended, the older one uses a function not really needed) with the same effect. face-smile.png

The function definitions in the help_long.lua is not necessary (never was), too. And I have a newer version of the formatting.lua available, but I’m not really sure, what has changed since the last upload… I don’t think it is something vital.

By the way: I overwrote the older versions and deleted the help.lua from one of my last posts. Perhaps a bad idea but I didn’t think about it twice…

Edited: 2012-02-22, 21:37

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Posted at: 2012-02-23, 07:04

Thank you, will look at it asap

Venatrix wrote:

By the way: I overwrote the older versions and deleted the help.lua from one of my last posts. Perhaps a bad idea but I didn’t think about it twice…

Don't worry, I saved both versions already to my HDD

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2012-02-28, 18:20

Given the time limit, I try to primarily get some texts for some buildings done.
I prepare 2 versions each.
One version is an example of how the actual text may look like formatted.
Just an example --- other ways certainly exist, and this can be changed, depending on what is possible.
I could do this a lot nicer, but as I am not quite sure what formatting codes can currently
be done with the lua help files, I have tried to restrict formatting to the very basics.
No tabs, no tables no columns, no graphic elements other than pictures.
I know the brown lines cannot be done, but I've kept them for better orientation.
Same for the yellow headings' background; but the background will brown anyway (wood grain).
There is an pdf file, and unfortunately it is only a pdf from a screenshot.
I have no way of doing the formatiing right for the pdf.

So this pdf version is just for getting a grasp on how it may look --
and maybe for others to correct my writing lingustically, orthographically and so on....
(Chuck, you're reading me? face-smile.png )

The second version is pure ASCII with [CR][LF] endings.
In this I have put all the paths to the pictures I have used at their proper place.
I hope that this version may be helpful for actually creating a formatted .lua help file.
Right now, I am not investing the time to try to actually come up with a formatted final lua version,
since I still have a problem with understanding the syntax. Confusing for me.
If anybody can lend a hand to do this work, I'd be very happy.
BTW, I don't think it makes sense to exactly repeat the same subheadings (typically the part before a colon ":"), for each and every
house in question; not even in the "at a glance version". They will vary a bit.
This is not good for an automated formatting, but I prefer a hand-made look anyway.
Would it help if I used Unicode?

So here are the two example file files:
@Venatrix - anything I could do better to make all this more useful?

the .pdf
the ASCII-file

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2012-02-28, 19:45

Just a short question: On account of the lack of time and a possibility to get tabs in the help, we focus on the short view, do we?

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Posted at: 2012-02-28, 20:11

Astuur wrote: ...So this pdf version is just for getting a grasp on how it may look -- and maybe for others to correct my writing lingustically, orthographically and so on.... (Chuck, you're reading me? )

I'm reading you, friend. face-smile.png I'll review your content and report back.

For file exchange, might I suggest utilising the Bug Report #676955? That way we need not rely on third-party services.

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Posted at: 2012-02-28, 21:06

I have posted the proofed pdf AND ascii files in the Launchpad Bug Report #676995

Good work! Chuck

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Posted at: 2012-02-28, 21:40

chuckw wrote:

I have posted the proofed pdf AND ascii files in the Launchpad Bug Report #676995

Right, thanks, I will stick to this. face-smile.png

For file exchange, might I suggest utilising the Bug Report #676955? That way we need not rely on third-party services.

Well, we hoped that other players, that normally do not use Launchpad, would join the discussion.

BTW: How do you attach a plain text file without it being written as comment? I don’t understand the system…

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Posted at: 2012-02-29, 01:21

Venatrix wrote: Well, we hoped that other players, that normally do not use Launchpad, would join the discussion.

You make a good point. I am merely trying to keep things simple (for me anyway) :) If there is a need for non-Launchpad users to access the stuff I post here (which will primarily just be proofed and edited copy), I'll certainly make that available to them.

BTW: How do you attach a plain text file without it being written as comment? I don’t understand the system…

By "system...", are you referring to Launchpad? If so, there is a link at the very bottom of the Bug Report page under the "Add Comment" box that allows you to "Add attachment or patch". Clicking on that opens a dialogue where you can browse to the file on your PC that you wish to upload.

If that didn't answer your question, let me know.
Cheers! Chuck

I see little people.

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