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The Tribes

The Tribes All Wares All Workers All Buildings
The Empire Tribe Empire - Wares Empire - Workers Empire - Buildings
The Barbarians Tribe Barbarians - Wares Barbarians - Workers Barbarians - Buildings
The Atlanteans Tribe Atlanteans - Wares Atlanteans - Workers Atlanteans - Buildings
The Frisians Tribe Frisians - Wares Frisians - Workers Frisians - Buildings
The Amazons Tribe Amazons - Wares Amazons - Workers Amazons - Buildings
The Europeans Tribe Europeans Wares Europeans Workers Europeans Buildings
The Sumatrans Tribe Sumatrans Wares Sumatrans Workers Sumatrans Buildings
The Romans Tribe Romans Wares Romans Workers Romans Buildings

There are five different tribes in the default Version Widelands :
The Barbarians , the Empire ( the Imperials ) , the Atlanteans , the Frisians and the Amazons .
Additionally there are three different tribes as Add-Ons aviable in the Add-On Manager :
The Europeans , the Sumatrans and the Romans .
All tribes have different wares , workers and buildings . This gives rise to different strong points and shortcomings . Find out which is your favorite tribe !
The most Tribes have a campaign which introduces it briefly , telling about the history and explaining its economy .

The Empire ( the imperials )

The Empire Tribe
Empire - Wares
Empire - Workers
Empire - Buildings

Empire ( Imperials ) Tribe
Availability Included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Very easy
Tribe benefits impact Mid game
Tribe Speciality * Unknown
Tribe Weakness * Need a lot of Marble
* Need a lot of wood
Tribe strengths * Unknown
Tribe Location Mediterranean Coasts
Tribe has a Campaign Yes

The Empire are the second easiest tribe in game.
The Empire is an advanced tribe that dominates the Middle Latitudes. They are known for their intricate use of Marble in their soaring columnar construction.

The Barbarians

The Barbarians Tribe
Barbarians - Wares
Barbarians - Workers
Barbarians - Buildings

Barbarians Tribe
Availability Included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Easy
Tribe benefits impact Early game
Tribe Speciality * Fastest Lumberjack
Tribe Weakness * Many buildings need upgrading
* Many workers need experience
* Need a lot of wood
Tribe strengths * Fast Rookie Soldier recruiting
Tribe Location Northern Europe
Tribe has a Campaign Yes

The Barbarians are the easiest tribe and are the ones you play the introductory game with.
The Barbarians are a strong, rough, but friendly tribe, as long as you don't harm them. Then, they turn into a hearty a vicious tribe, quick to laughter and violence.
They make fierce allies and fiercer foes. Their home is up in the north, between old forests, mountains and grasslands, where they live since the beginning of time.
Their soldiers are masters of axes, so it is no wonder that the barbarian lumberjack is the fastest one to be found amongst all the tribes.
The Barbarian economy is very simple and based on usefulness. Beautiful, but useless wares or architecture would never be made by the hands of a barbarian.

The Atlanteans

The Atlanteans Tribe
Atlanteans - Wares
Atlanteans - Workers
Atlanteans - Buildings

Atlanteans Tribe
Availability Included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Medium
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Mines have a larger mining Radius
Tribe Weakness * Fish and Coasts
Tribe strengths * Need one less level of training
* Workers don't need experience
Tribe Location Atlantic Ocean
Tribe has a Campaign Yes

The Empire are the third easiest tribe in game.
Little is known of the Atlanteans. They use gold and other precious metals in the makings of mysterious artifice for peace and war.
The Atlanteans have a high culture with blackroot farms, smokeries, production of armor out of woven gold and several different tridents.

The Frisians

The Frisians Tribe
Frisians - Wares
Frisians - Workers
Frisians - Buildings

Frisians Tribe
Availability Included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Hard
Tribe benefits impact Late game
Tribe Speciality * Can transform sea into land with the dike builder
* Scrap metal recycling from Training sites
Tribe Weakness * Many buildings
* Long construction times
Tribe strengths Unknown
Tribe Location North Sea Coasts
Tribe has a Campaign Yes

Living off the sea is a constant struggle that has imprinted its marks upon this tribe.
Even though this seafaring people has migrated from their native North Sea shore to the the far North for reasons illustrated in their introductory campaign,
their history as a proud and resilient nation is still clearly visible in their character.
Used to the ocean's hardship, the frisians have quickly adapted to the challenges imposed on them by their ice-covered homes between fjords and mountains.

“Why do things the easy way when there is a more complex way to do it?” - Hauke the Wise, advisor of frisian chieftains
The frisian economy is more complex than others. Nearly all wares need to be processed in multiple steps before they can be used, and cyclic dependencies provide numerous possibilities to get yourself deadlocked.
But once the challenges defining the tribes' character are mastered, it is rewarding to watch the economy flourishingly assemble the finest of goods with novel techniques mastered by no other tribe.

The Amazons

The Amazons Tribe
Amazons - Wares
Amazons - Workers
Amazons - Buildings

Amazons Tribe
Availability Included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Medium
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Can transform steppe soils into forest soils with the Gardening Center
Tribe Weakness * Need Coasts
* Need a lot of space for Forests
* Need a lot of wood
* Partially slower production sites
Tribe strengths * No Coal and Iron required
Tribe Location Amazonas jungle in south america
Tribe has a Campaign No

Living deep in the rainforest has stunted the technological progress of this tribe in some fields, but it pushed them to excel in others.
They never mastered iron working and are still using tools made of wood and stone, but they mastered the arts of forestry and woodworking above anyone else.
Their buildings of wood and rope rival the mightiest stone constructions. Their armors, made with light woods and padded with rubber and woven ropes, are the sturdiest of all.
Only a fool would dismiss them as primitive simpletons.

Amazons don't have iron or coal mines. Instead, they use several varieties of rare woods, which are planted by specialized foresters, to produce all their advanced buildings and wares.
Their junglemasters can make trees grow where no one else can.

The Europeans

The Europeans Tribe
Europeans Wares
Europeans Workers
Europeans Buildings

Europeans Tribe
Availability Addon Tribe , not included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Hard
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Unknown
Tribe Weakness * Long construction times for Buildings
* Many buildings need upgrading
* Forests
Tribe strengths * Huge expansions radius
Tribe Location Central Europe
Tribe has a Campaign No

The Sumatrans

The Sumatrans Tribe
Sumatrans Wares
Sumatrans Workers
Sumatrans Buildings

Sumatrans Tribe
Availability Addon Tribe , not included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Unknown
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Unknown
Tribe Weakness * Unknown
Tribe strengths * Unknown
Tribe Location Mesopotamia in middle east
Tribe has a Campaign No

The Romans

The Romans Tribe
Romans Wares
Romans Workers
Romans Buildings

Romans Tribe
Availability Addon Tribe , not included in the default Game of Widelands
Tribe Economic Very Hard
Tribe benefits impact Unknown must be tested
Tribe Speciality * Defending Walls
* Military sites for Mountains
Tribe Weakness * Busy Streets * Long Soldier training time
* Weakest Rookie Soldiers
* Many buildings need upgrading
* Clay pits occupy building sites
Tribe strengths * High recovering rate of Construction cost of buildings when dismantling
* Strongest Hero Soldiers
* No Iron needed for recruiting Soldiers
* Recovering of soldier training equipment for previous level
Tribe Location Mediterranean Coasts
Tribe has a Campaign No




tribes, barbarians, empire, atlanteans, frisians, amazons, europeans, sumatrans, romans