The Widelands Project

Widelands is an open source (GPLed) real-time strategy game. It is built upon the SDL and other open source libraries and still under heavy development. If you knew Settlers I & II (© Bluebyte), then you already have a rough idea what Widelands is all about. Yes, it is where the inspiration for Widelands came from.


As stated before, Widelands is a work-in-progress game and, it seems, that it will ever be one. New features are added in each release. So, if you miss a feature, let us know. The current version has got at least these features:

  • Four Worlds (Tile Sets) (Greenland, Winterland, Blackland and Desert)
  • Five Tribes (Barbarians, Empire, Atlanteans, Frisians, Amazons)
  • Several playable single player (tutorial) missions
  • Maps for single and multiplayer mode
  • Save and load of single and multiplayer games
  • Ability to build a settlement from scratch
  • Military and warfare (Attacking, Training, defending, conquering of military buildings)
  • Seafaring (peaceful colonization)
  • A map editor, to build your own maps and campaigns
  • An add-on system

The first stable release of Widelands was published in June 2021. Before that, we released 21 beta versions ("builds"). New stable releases are published approximately annually, so that you can keep up with the state of the art all the time. Simply head over to the download section , and you'll find the newest release there.

New releases are announced on the mailing list widelands-announce at and on the front page of our homepage. Please visit this page to subscribe to the list.

If you are impatient and brave enough you can check out the source code from our repository directly and build on your own or download compiled versions. For more informations read BuildingWidelands or visit DownloadPage and our forum for technical help. The changelog can be found here

Tagged with: game