
The Tribes All Wares All Workers All Buildings
The Empire Tribe Empire - Wares Empire - Workers Empire - Buildings
The Barbarians Tribe Barbarians - Wares Barbarians - Workers Barbarians - Buildings
The Atlanteans Tribe Atlanteans - Wares Atlanteans - Workers Atlanteans - Buildings
The Frisians Tribe Frisians - Wares Frisians - Workers Frisians - Buildings
The Amazons Tribe Amazons - Wares Amazons - Workers Amazons - Buildings
The Europeans Tribe Europeans Wares Europeans Workers Europeans Buildings
The Sumatrans Tribe Sumatrans Wares Sumatrans Workers Sumatrans Buildings
The Romans Tribe Romans Wares Romans Workers Romans Buildings


id group size technical name image tribe upgrade buildcost dismantle soldier
heal per
Warehouse barbarians_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
Warehouse empire_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
Warehouse atlanteans_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
Warehouse frisians_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
Warehouse amazons_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
Warehouse europeans_warehouse Warehouse Headquarters

16 160 10
Warehouse sumatran_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -
03 Warehouse romans_building_warehouse Warehouse

- 170 -


Wares and Workers are stored in a warehouse . Warehouses relieve the busy or large Road networks .
Warehouses can be used to store excess wares and workers in a decentralized manner . This relieves the burden on an economy's road network .
As with Headquarters , a warehouse can be used to specify which wares and workers should be stored in this warehouse .
There are options for : storing wares and workers preferentially , storing them normally , no longer storing them , and removing them .
If there are several warehouses where the same wares should be stored preferentially , then the goods will be stored in the warehouse that is quickest to reach .
Warehouses should only be built in a safe area , far from the front , as building them is expensive and if they are destroyed , all stored wares are lost .
Warehouses , like headquarters and Ports , are the starting point of an economy .
If there is no warehouse , port or headquarters in an economic network , workers no longer have a destination unless their specific building is still linked to the economic network .
Without a destination , the workers leave the economic network and look for an intact , valid economic network nearby .
If they do not find one within 2 minutes*1 , the workers die of exhaustion .
If there is no warehouse , port or headquarters in an economic network, goods are only transported to their specific production locations .
Wares that have no consumers are no longer transported and block flag capacity .
Wares cannot then bypass the blocked roads by building new roads , as there are no carrier workers who could occupy the new road .
If you tear down a road with a carrier and the economic network has no warehouse , port or headquarters , then this carrier is lost , even if there is a road that needs a carrier .
However, with balanced play on small maps, warehouses are generally not needed .
A maximum of <number integer ?> amount of a single ware type can be stored in a warehouse .


language name

english Warehouse
DE german Lagerhaus
FR french
ES spanish

NL dutch
FRL frisian
SCO scottish
PL polish
CZ czech
HU hungarian
IS icelandic
DK danish
NO norwegian
SE swedish
FI finnish
RU russian
TR turkish
SA arabic
CN chinese
JP japanese
KR korean


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